Message from @Boss Baby
Discord ID: 648550595527180320
pickles on a chicken sandwich?
it adds crisp texture because chick fil a chicken sandwiches aren't crunchy
also chick fil a sold out and stopped donating to anti gay organizations
taste good too
pickles on a chicken sandwich?
shut the fuck up liberal
is that your mom san
isnt tinker tom's fiance like 14
he's trying to get those romeo and juliet laws
that's a load of shit, and I'm about to give you a few pieces of toilet paper to wipe your mouth and dirty hands @Boss Baby
she's not his fiance she's engaged to someone else
they dont have chick fil a in europe cuz ur liberals
I don't get the name
chick fil a what?
@Boss Baby I never had chic-fil-a, a few people I know like it
what does the chick fill
a bun?
fillet maybe?
no way it's a play of chicken fillet
Ikillu stop trying to groom baby boss
@Hransrap just registered to vote so i can vote labour
blacks don't tip
tipping is retarded tho
@esports athlete damn Toms gf got a fiancé?
Are you also 12 like toms gf
tipping isn't retarded in the US, but tipping over 15% in regular food places is kind of retarded
chick fil a is a play on words of chicken fillet
no way @Boss Baby