Message from @ikillu
Discord ID: 648549876380205056
thats not the right one
those germans are up to something <:thinkingclown:639467671062052874>
ok fuck you anime bot
are they allowed to say marschleid?
whats marschleid means?
he usually likes music in another language but not marching music
t. B in gcse german 🕶
pickles on a chicken sandwich?
it adds crisp texture because chick fil a chicken sandwiches aren't crunchy
also chick fil a sold out and stopped donating to anti gay organizations
taste good too
shut the fuck up liberal
is that your mom san
isnt tinker tom's fiance like 14
he's trying to get those romeo and juliet laws
that's a load of shit, and I'm about to give you a few pieces of toilet paper to wipe your mouth and dirty hands @Boss Baby
she's not his fiance she's engaged to someone else
they dont have chick fil a in europe cuz ur liberals
ben shapiro was right there is no such thing as conservatism in europe
I don't get the name
chick fil a what?
@Boss Baby I never had chic-fil-a, a few people I know like it
what does the chick fill
a bun?
fillet maybe?
no way it's a play of chicken fillet
Ikillu stop trying to groom baby boss
@Hransrap just registered to vote so i can vote labour