Message from @MindofAtonius
Discord ID: 377994519125426177
All the following types encompass the Nordic race ^^
Lower European races ^^^
Makes sense
What about these races makes them lower? Are they mixed? Lower iq?
the eternal alpine
So what about Euromutts?
@MindofAtonius euromutt and ethnicity barely has anything to do with racial anthropology.
@Siegfried can you show these races for women?
@MindofAtonius what's your ethnicity
Celt, Romanian, Anglo-Saxon
@MindofAtonius geneticly and racialy Celts and Germans are the same people. Romanians likewise athough their mainly Dinardic
@Siegfried so is this good?
@MindofAtonius yup, athough I'm not suggesting your a Dinard. Idk what your Racial phenotype is
Me either
Could I identify if I sent you an image
I am Nordid Cromagnonid or however you would say that
@Hyperborean Dalio-Falied?
I'm a Hallstatt myself
My younger cousin is for sure a Hallstatt but her older sister is pretty dark