Message from @Wretch

Discord ID: 637448985820266516

2019-10-25 19:21:27 UTC  


2019-10-25 19:22:59 UTC  

2019-10-25 19:23:05 UTC  

Did you just post a link from natural news?

2019-10-25 19:23:07 UTC  

warned for using capital letters

2019-10-25 19:23:09 UTC  

i've seen it all

2019-10-25 19:23:17 UTC  

Might as well scream "I have no reliable source for information"

2019-10-25 19:23:22 UTC  

holy crap

2019-10-25 19:24:14 UTC  

I actually laughed when I saw that

2019-10-25 20:22:44 UTC  

@Riley dont be rude or condescending plz. Try to look at the info. If you dont like it, fine. Dont laugh at others for having different concerns than you. Thx

2019-10-25 21:22:58 UTC  

@Riley yea did you know the ethyl mercury is actually more dangerous in lower doses and you absorb 100% of it when you get it injected into your muscle. it bypasses your digestive system and you dont get to process it out

2019-10-25 21:23:12 UTC

2019-10-25 21:24:53 UTC  

and they have way more than what is allowed in your drinking water , and again i like to point out you will absorb 100% of it cause it is bypassing your digestive system

2019-10-25 21:26:03 UTC  

in fact there is no such thing as autism!!!! it is mercury poisoning and nothing more

2019-10-25 21:26:14 UTC

2019-10-25 21:27:05 UTC  

looks like someone needs to do more research and stop believing everything the mainstream science and government tells you

2019-10-25 21:27:38 UTC  

autism was a made up condition they came up with in the 1930-40s. they started adding thimerosal to vaccines in 1931 and the oldest person of the first 11 diagnosed with it was born in 1931 the very same year it added. if you read what mercury poisoning affects and look at the symptoms of autism you will see they are one in the same

2019-10-25 21:36:42 UTC  

got any more genetic fallacies to bring up btw

2019-10-26 00:02:07 UTC  

@Wretch are you aware of how blood is filtered? When you digest foods the nutrients diffuse into the blood through the walls of the intestines. All blood is filtered.

2019-10-26 00:06:50 UTC  

mercury is more lethal in smaller amounts over time than larger amounts in a short timeframe

2019-10-26 00:33:42 UTC  

@Ub3rshadow yea it is bypassing your liver and kidneys your point??? the very organs that help remove toxins

2019-10-26 00:34:41 UTC  

plus it does not have a chance to be processed out with foods cause it sticks to foods too helping remove it

2019-10-26 02:37:48 UTC  

GoFundMe has begun purging all users from its site who attempt to raise money for causes that in any way call into question the safety and efficacy of vaccines. 😡

2019-10-26 03:24:33 UTC  


2019-10-26 08:38:41 UTC  

As usual, Wretch fails to understand some basic biology, in this case: pharmacokinetics. Thimerosal is well known to be excreted in the faeces meaning it at least passes through the liver.
Not that it matters as thimerosal isn't present in any infant vaccines, as you know

2019-10-26 13:50:00 UTC  

@Sloan Jask yea it is lol still today and your body does not process it out if it skips your digestive system lol

2019-10-26 13:50:49 UTC  

your intestines are not filtering out your blood if it is already in there and did not PASS thru your intestines in the first place

2019-10-26 13:50:58 UTC  

how ignorant can one be

2019-10-26 13:51:28 UTC  

you dont understand a damn thing obviously

2019-10-26 13:52:57 UTC  

@Sloan Jask also it does not only affect infants lol nice try they put in in your kids vaccines period srry your incapable of doing real research to find this information

2019-10-26 13:53:44 UTC  

it also affect adults lol i guess you did not watch the documentary on thimerosal posted in the pins

2019-10-26 13:54:43 UTC  

ethyl mercury is more deadly lol go figure the opposite of what you are told hmnmmmm

2019-10-26 15:41:31 UTC  

`All vaccines routinely recommended for children 6 years of age and younger in the U.S. are available in formulations that do not contain thimerosal`

Not sure what you're trying to get across when you say it skips your digestive system or what you mean about blood already being in your intestines. You were clearly unable to find this information for yourself but I'm happy to help you out. To get from the blood to the faeces (which is the major route of excretion for thimerosal and its metabolites), it has to go through the liver, into the bile and to the duodenum. So if there's thimerosal or known metabolites of thimerosal in the faeces (which there is), we know it had to have got there via the liver

2019-10-26 17:01:04 UTC  


2019-10-26 17:02:25 UTC  

lol and yea they are available but most dont even know and are not informed lol. how many parents do you think ask for the mercury free vaccines hmmm

2019-10-26 17:03:57 UTC  

besides thimerosal is not the only concern

2019-10-26 17:10:59 UTC  

when you are injected with a vaccine the ingredients bypass your liver and kidneys and goes straight into your blood system. so how is it being filtered out if it is going straight into the very system your claiming is being filtered. that is like bypassing the water filters on your water supply and thinking the water will be filtered any way

2019-10-26 17:15:31 UTC  

you act like they are eating it which is far different than it being injected right into your blood system

2019-10-26 18:10:21 UTC  

Yes, obviously vaccines enter your blood stream before reaching the liver. This is a completely vacuous statement. Everything that eventually inters the circulation does so before reaching the liver or the kidneys so I don't know what you're trying to say and unfortunately you've led me to believe you don't know either. Blood isn't magical and isn't the end 'organ' here so the fact that it gets into the circulation before the liver doesn't mean anything

2019-10-26 18:12:13 UTC  

With regard to '...they are available but most don't even know...', that's probably my fault for using a quote with multiple interpretations. To be clear, aside from some flu vaccines, vaccines recommended to children categorically have no thimerosal in them. Even if you assume all children get thimerosal-containing flu vaccines (which is obviously a laughable assumption), the overall exposure would still be such that your favourite correlation still vanishes

2019-10-26 18:13:48 UTC  

As a side note, you should know vaccines are not "injected right into the blood system". I hate to have to point out the irony but if you only have a minimal understanding of something, you shouldn't tell your opponent they don't understand a damn thing. Among other things, It makes you look very silly indeed

2019-10-26 18:22:42 UTC  

Flu vaccine is stupid