Message from @Logrian

Discord ID: 643364675123150858

2019-11-11 03:52:25 UTC  

it is called controlled opposition.

2019-11-11 03:57:57 UTC

2019-11-11 06:30:58 UTC  

Guys no offense please do not ban me but guys and girls, the reason we have more vaccines is because people won’t take them even if people it does cause autism the reason for more vaccines is because people aren’t taking them. While in 2012 vaccines did have a non-Toxic variant of mercury not a days they don’t because they found a better way to handle it. There are different types of mercury that is why vaccines used to have them now they don’t bye. Also you need to get your sources from .com or .org sites that are professional not a random blog. As well as the only reason vaccines are known to do this and how this whole conspiracy started is because a kooky dude with 8 kids with autism were in a room he gave the autistic kids vaccines and spread the rumor for attention. People used to think vitamins would make you immortal but we all know this isn’t the truth. I don’t mean offense and The Gretch (sorry I can’t find you name in the name area) please don’t ban me I want to find out why people think this stuff. P.S. vaccines may be your choice but your still hurting other kids with weak immune systems they won’t get natural immunity they will die babies.. will die. P.P.S no offense but this is idiotic that people think this.

Thank you for your time and this was my ted talk.

2019-11-11 06:31:23 UTC  

Please no ban I don’t want to offend people I’m stating my opionion like anyone else

2019-11-11 06:31:50 UTC  

So don’t mute please or ban because I think differently I may even change my mind if you show me something real from the cdc or something bye

2019-11-11 06:33:17 UTC  

Also people who say never got a flu shot and never got the flu maybe it’s ecause people got the SHOT it’s not a vaccine btw no mercury and never was maybe you don’t have it because people got treated and don’t have it to spread

2019-11-11 06:33:48 UTC  

A girl got permanently disabled eat throug a straw every day cause her mom anti vaxx didn’t want to vaccinate her

2019-11-11 06:33:57 UTC  

Also rabies shot isint a vaccine

2019-11-11 06:35:08 UTC  

Vaccines prevent things the flu shot is not a vaccine idk what it is

2019-11-11 06:35:45 UTC  

So rabies and other things that kids have like TETNUS like that girl had weren’t even vaccines

2019-11-11 06:36:01 UTC  

So her mom could have treated her and it wouldn’t have even been a vaccine in the first place

2019-11-11 06:36:37 UTC  

Kids are dying because people don’t give shots because they think the govrernemnt is lying lying for what they aren’t it dumb you guys are truly the lowest scum in history

2019-11-11 06:37:05 UTC  

And Facebook moms and boomers don’t give shots that aren’t vaccines because there too ill informed to know

2019-11-11 06:37:15 UTC  

This was also my ted talk

2019-11-11 06:38:23 UTC  

2019-11-11 06:38:54 UTC  

Please read all of it to get a point of view so I don’t get banned

2019-11-11 06:38:58 UTC  

Thanks bye

2019-11-11 06:39:03 UTC  

I didn’t mean to swear lol sorry

2019-11-11 06:40:01 UTC  

also America gives mor vaccines because there’s more peopple aluminum is not in vaccines

2019-11-11 06:40:20 UTC  

Please read all of it for point of view

2019-11-11 18:36:48 UTC  

damn imagine being anti vaxx tho

2019-11-11 18:37:52 UTC  

defining by word is the way things often go

2019-11-11 18:38:28 UTC  

however, if we look at their statements and analyze them POPULATION based, not sample, you would see something different

2019-11-11 18:38:40 UTC  

their demands are safer vaccines, not no vaccines

2019-11-11 18:39:47 UTC  

it also includes more rigorous studies (you should examine methodology of studies used for FDA approval), no excessive vaccination (or overvaccination) and other problems

2019-11-11 22:21:55 UTC  

@Thanos you got anecdotal stories that not evidence

2019-11-12 01:05:46 UTC  

The University of Sydney lol so they are doing nothing but pushing advocacy research @Lain

2019-11-12 01:06:22 UTC  

“What’s happening now is, government research, universities — they’re asking for what I call advocacy research. They have something, they want you to prove it, make sure you prove it, [and when] you do, you keep getting paid,” he said in a separate article on
“Advocacy research is the bulk of these 99 percent of non-scientific studies and they’re not done for scientific development, they’re done to support a political idea. If you want to make money in universities these days, you publish papers that support global warming and you live handsomely.”

2019-11-12 01:07:00 UTC  

same goes with the vaccine agenda

2019-11-12 01:07:06 UTC  

it is no different

2019-11-12 01:07:26 UTC  

“Truth” has a price tag
This is such a fascinating idea to consider; particularly as the base motivation for these “scientists” appear to be more focused on capitalism rather than accuracy. Armstrong argued that being politically convenient is more rewarding both financially and in terms of one’s career.

2019-11-12 01:08:54 UTC

2019-11-12 01:09:24 UTC  

more controlled opposition nothing more

2019-11-12 15:42:53 UTC  

Shouldn't pro-choicers be anti-vaxxers (if they were intellectually honest)?

2019-11-12 15:49:11 UTC  

Hey everyone, **The HighWire with Del Bigtree** just posted a video! Go check it out!

2019-11-12 16:18:35 UTC  

@indio007 yea that is crazy lol the programming they are putting the kids thru