Message from @Logrian

Discord ID: 642366616234885131

2019-11-08 14:14:52 UTC  

pls pet wash

2019-11-08 14:14:52 UTC  

You paid **40** coins to wash Alotlot.

2019-11-08 14:14:56 UTC  

pls pet feed

2019-11-08 14:14:57 UTC  

You paid **30** coins to give food and water to Alotlot.

**Tip**: Did you know there is a lottery system? Try out `pls lottery`!

2019-11-08 14:15:00 UTC  

pls pet play

2019-11-08 14:15:00 UTC  

You went with Alotlot to get a massage, costing you **52** coins

2019-11-08 14:15:05 UTC  

pls pet pat

2019-11-08 14:15:05 UTC  

You pat Alotlot.

2019-11-08 14:15:08 UTC  

pls pet

2019-11-08 14:15:08 UTC  

2019-11-08 14:15:11 UTC  

pls pet

2019-11-08 14:15:11 UTC  

2019-11-08 14:15:17 UTC  

pls pet play

2019-11-08 14:15:18 UTC  

You started a live stream with Alotlot.

2019-11-08 14:15:22 UTC  

pls pet pat

2019-11-08 14:15:22 UTC  

You pat Alotlot.

2019-11-08 14:15:27 UTC  

pls pet feed

2019-11-08 14:15:28 UTC  

You paid **30** coins to give food and water to Alotlot.

**Tip**: Buying a Cell Phone from the shop can yield all kinds of possibilities, including calling in sick for work!

2019-11-08 14:15:34 UTC  

pls pm

2019-11-08 14:15:34 UTC  

**__What type of meme do you want to post?__**
`d` ■ **Dank meme**
`e` ■ **Edgy meme**
`n` ■ **Normie Meme**
`s` ■ **Spoopy Meme**
`r` ■ **Repost meme**

2019-11-08 14:15:35 UTC  


2019-11-08 14:15:36 UTC  

Your posted meme got **151 upvotes**. You get 83 coins

**Tip**: Short on coins? You can sell some of the items in your inventory by using `pls sell`

2019-11-08 14:15:40 UTC  

pls bet all

2019-11-08 14:15:40 UTC  

2019-11-08 14:15:54 UTC  

pls beg

2019-11-08 14:15:54 UTC  

**Dat boi** has donated 25 coins to @Logrian, and a <:bread:573152440938004500> **Fresh Bread**

2019-11-08 14:15:57 UTC  

pls search

2019-11-08 14:15:58 UTC  

**DOG** You found 39 coins, why did you even think to look here though???

2019-11-08 14:28:40 UTC  

Pls work

2019-11-08 14:28:40 UTC  

@彡Empulsy™彡 What color was next to the word `tseries`?

2019-11-08 14:28:49 UTC  


2019-11-08 14:28:49 UTC  

**BOSS** Good stuff Reis™, got the work done well. You were given `192` coins for one hour of work.

2019-11-08 14:29:10 UTC  

Pls beg

2019-11-08 14:29:10 UTC  

**Thanos <:ThanosDaddy:575417465635602463>** has donated 30 coins to @彡Empulsy™彡!

2019-11-08 14:29:13 UTC  

Pls scout

2019-11-08 14:29:13 UTC  

**BED** You found 36 coins, do you often sleep like this?

2019-11-08 14:29:15 UTC  

Pls rich

2019-11-08 14:29:15 UTC  

2019-11-08 14:29:19 UTC  

Pls rob

2019-11-08 14:29:19 UTC  

try running the command again, but this time actually mention someone to steal from

2019-11-08 14:29:56 UTC