Message from @Dear Mason

Discord ID: 639632490184704010

2019-11-01 01:07:11 UTC  
2019-11-01 01:07:18 UTC  


2019-11-01 01:07:20 UTC  


2019-11-01 01:07:23 UTC  

Ok my bad i just thought...

2019-11-01 01:07:25 UTC  

not anyone else

2019-11-01 01:07:41 UTC  

miney and jeremy are going at it about the coriolis effect

2019-11-01 01:07:49 UTC  

Alexa play adams family

2019-11-01 01:07:50 UTC  


2019-11-01 01:07:53 UTC  


2019-11-01 01:08:04 UTC  

i watched addams family earlier today

2019-11-01 01:08:11 UTC  

for the halloween mood

2019-11-01 01:09:14 UTC  

Lol hello brother Z

2019-11-01 01:09:27 UTC  

overwatch came to switch

2019-11-01 01:09:56 UTC  

@パートナーキラー I know it isn't a crime I wasn't being rude with what I said

2019-11-01 01:10:14 UTC  

you seemed pretty rude to me *and* baby.

2019-11-01 01:10:19 UTC  

I was being honest and you probably read the text as if I'm angry or something which I'm not

2019-11-01 01:10:24 UTC  

I'm pretty chill rn

2019-11-01 01:10:33 UTC  

I'm just wondering how one can be an introvert

2019-11-01 01:10:37 UTC  

"Well grow a bit of back bone it isn't too hard bud"
is known to be an actual insult against introverts

2019-11-01 01:10:50 UTC  

there is plenty of harm in that message.

2019-11-01 01:11:09 UTC  

Maybe he or she wouldn't be an introvert if they had one

2019-11-01 01:11:20 UTC  

thats another rude comment.

2019-11-01 01:11:51 UTC  

some introverts choose to be, others just cannot find a way to not be.

2019-11-01 01:12:02 UTC  

"growing a backbone" isnt as easy as you think.

2019-11-01 01:12:23 UTC  

most introverts start hating themselves more when they are forced to publicly socialize.

2019-11-01 01:12:27 UTC  


2019-11-01 01:12:46 UTC  


2019-11-01 01:12:53 UTC  

I'm not trying to start an argument

2019-11-01 01:13:05 UTC  

I've obviously hit a nerve

2019-11-01 01:13:14 UTC  

If you wanna be an introvert that's fine

2019-11-01 01:13:19 UTC  

I was just curious that's all

2019-11-01 01:13:30 UTC  

im just warning you that you were getting pretty offensive there. and most people do.

2019-11-01 01:13:39 UTC  

im not an introvert myself, but i know what they deal with.

2019-11-01 01:13:45 UTC  


2019-11-01 01:14:44 UTC  

being an introvert is near to is impossible to grow out of, you were probably just shy.

2019-11-01 01:15:10 UTC  

Good job lad

2019-11-01 01:15:57 UTC  

@パートナーキラー You should learn to not take offense for others btw

2019-11-01 01:16:12 UTC  

hi kiwi

2019-11-01 01:16:15 UTC  

hi cat

2019-11-01 01:16:30 UTC  

Jokes are nice

2019-11-01 01:16:35 UTC  

sorry for warning you for your mistake.