Message from @Atlas the Friendly Robot

Discord ID: 641116503030366238

2019-11-05 03:22:22 UTC  

It's his super power here

2019-11-05 03:22:26 UTC  

I’m straight actually

2019-11-05 03:22:41 UTC  

You should have seen him earlier complaining about some diversity picture

2019-11-05 03:22:45 UTC  

I’m not

2019-11-05 03:22:55 UTC  

Being offended for others! - Gen z

2019-11-05 03:23:02 UTC  

I didn’t say I was offended

2019-11-05 03:23:40 UTC  

Mason is a boomer, so I said “typical” as in that’s something a typical boomer would say

2019-11-05 03:24:31 UTC  

I’m not gay . But I know gay people . I don’t care about gay people enough to post memes about them or actively hate them

2019-11-05 03:25:02 UTC  

I’m a millennial/Gen z / whatever

2019-11-05 03:25:03 UTC  


2019-11-05 03:25:34 UTC  

does zoomer meanas everyone that is born after 2000?

2019-11-05 03:25:44 UTC  

<:GWvertiPeepoSalute:405951690034905089> 🏳️‍🌈

2019-11-05 03:26:11 UTC  

"that picture bothers me lol" - @Atlas the Friendly Robot

2019-11-05 03:26:17 UTC  


2019-11-05 03:26:24 UTC  

because its a stupid picture

2019-11-05 03:27:12 UTC  

Does any human being have naturally red hair like that?

2019-11-05 03:27:15 UTC  

I'm not sure what the difference is myself

2019-11-05 03:27:21 UTC  

im not "bothered" by it like you're assuming. i just think its weird for white people to send that kind of stuff

2019-11-05 03:27:46 UTC  


2019-11-05 03:27:51 UTC  


2019-11-05 03:28:05 UTC  


2019-11-05 03:28:24 UTC  

Of course

2019-11-05 03:28:27 UTC  

im white but im black the waist down

2019-11-05 03:28:33 UTC  


2019-11-05 03:29:29 UTC  

I'm just a euro trash mutt

2019-11-05 03:29:51 UTC  

but 100% Amurican

2019-11-05 03:30:01 UTC  

im all american too lol

2019-11-05 03:30:06 UTC  

Hell yeah

2019-11-05 03:30:17 UTC  

🦅 🇺🇸 🌭

2019-11-05 03:30:41 UTC  

Why is it weird for white people to send that kind of stuff?

2019-11-05 03:31:18 UTC  

insert programmed response "youre racist!"

2019-11-05 03:31:28 UTC  

nah i dont think hes racist

2019-11-05 03:31:49 UTC  


2019-11-05 03:32:27 UTC  


2019-11-05 03:32:36 UTC  

never noticed

2019-11-05 03:33:00 UTC  

might be butthurt about the no racism server rule

2019-11-05 03:33:03 UTC  

the pic just doesnt make sense to me. like are you upset that white people arent considered diverse ? diverse isnt just one race btw. its a collection of races @Dear Mason

2019-11-05 03:36:49 UTC  
2019-11-05 03:37:04 UTC  

I don't care if we are considered it or not

2019-11-05 03:37:20 UTC  

It's easy to see which race has more legitimate (natural features anyways