Message from @Abe Lover
Discord ID: 641402968456953857
So I use it as a joke
❄ Guys look I have a snowflake, which means....
Noooo In ur name like mine and metas lol
Aw man
We had Lincoln and JFK banned
I'm sure we are on the fbi watchlist
Ya Lincoln was spamming the n word and stuff so he defo banned
Both former us presidents join HMMMM
I guess so lol
What do yall talk about on voice chat?
Lots of different things
Whatever you want to talk about
Tbh the Lincoln and Kennedy thing is pretty cool
Although snopes says it's not
The irony of Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter is that back then he was portrayed as a vampire
Not the hunter
*Foreign language*
done what?
nothing important
metallica, how are you?
Chillin in vc
@Metallica uwu
$ban @Abe Lover uwu
abe watch out the cat is gonna attack 😺
whats up abe
Ohh idky I did that owo I hate owo’s lol