Message from @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids

Discord ID: 641744976983621632

2019-11-06 20:50:12 UTC  

It's pretty depressing how despite the fact it's pretty obvious he didn't kill himself no one involved will ever face any sort of repercussions

2019-11-06 20:54:03 UTC  

Also Putin wants his own "reliable" Russian version of wikipedia

2019-11-06 20:54:39 UTC  


2019-11-06 20:56:08 UTC  

The peoples wiki

2019-11-06 20:56:13 UTC  


2019-11-06 20:59:09 UTC  


2019-11-06 21:00:41 UTC  

The only people who disagree are the people who take too many blue pills @NinjaApple

2019-11-06 21:01:40 UTC  

If you took that many blue pills you'd probably suffer an overdose

2019-11-06 21:02:05 UTC  

*takes all the pills*

2019-11-06 21:02:10 UTC  


2019-11-06 21:02:50 UTC  

People take enough of them as it is

2019-11-06 21:03:04 UTC  
2019-11-06 21:03:36 UTC  

White chicks < Latinas

2019-11-06 21:03:42 UTC  


2019-11-06 21:03:49 UTC  

White Chicks was a terrible movie

2019-11-06 21:03:59 UTC  

I didn't even know it was a movie

2019-11-06 21:05:19 UTC  

Why do they look like transgenders?

2019-11-06 21:05:33 UTC  

I already dislike it off 1 gif

2019-11-06 21:06:08 UTC  

It's Shawn and Marlon Wayans

2019-11-06 21:06:25 UTC  

Basic Bi*ches: The movie

2019-11-06 21:07:36 UTC  

<:cool3:625748951458512916> Ah yes I too like basic women

2019-11-06 21:08:31 UTC  

Compared to some flat earthers I've seen you're pretty chill

2019-11-06 21:10:22 UTC  


2019-11-06 21:10:49 UTC  

Flat Earthers are always chill

2019-11-06 21:10:54 UTC  

No global warming where I live

2019-11-06 21:11:00 UTC  


2019-11-06 21:12:09 UTC  

"Global" warming

2019-11-06 21:12:56 UTC  

Its just in the past I have had some rather negative experiences with some particular admins

2019-11-06 21:14:50 UTC  

In this server or another one?

2019-11-06 21:15:39 UTC  

This one

2019-11-06 21:16:16 UTC  

Though the particular admin I'm referring to seems to have left

2019-11-06 21:16:46 UTC  

That being "The seeker of truth"

2019-11-06 21:17:18 UTC  

I think seeker joined sheeple

2019-11-06 21:18:00 UTC  

I felt like at some points he was borderline abusing his admin powers but if I ever pointed it out I was sent to the ice box

2019-11-06 21:19:21 UTC  

@NinjaApple what do christmas lights and jeffrey epstein have in common? they dont hang themselves

2019-11-06 21:20:35 UTC  

Was it framed as a hanging?

2019-11-06 21:20:41 UTC  

Not sure who that is