Message from @vec
Discord ID: 353300194168799243
What's coded mean in a hospital?
Bad shit
Got a message this morning, Dad is alive rn but coded in his sleep
Oh god, I'm so sorry.....
If there's anything you need from us, don't hesitate to let us know.
cardiopulmonary arrest
@Skrrt ive been on icus and surgical units. If you need anything explained, always ask the health care provider, dont feel ashamed or stupid just because you dont know their terms. But if you have any questions or wanna vent, pm me. I had to deal with both my parents being very ill, one passing recently. And i have a medical background.
Antifa is a domestic terror group
Reds btfo
Glad to read that these F tards are domestic terrorist antifa where are these POS Hangout should visit them there instead of on the street.
Can someone under 18 join this group
17 is minimum
Welp. Be back in a year
K bye
@everyone Reddit is now CLOSED SOURCE
this means they are either going to start censoring with algorithms, data mine harder, or do shadey shit, as their business model is unaffected by source code availability
is there an announcement or an article about this?
One sec
reddit has been cucked for years now
he said closed <:mmLol:247945213631266817>
but yeah
open source machine broke
sry goys
have to censor you all now
so you feel this means there will more day to day censorhip?
All of the "reasons" they list save the first are super easy to deal with automatically via scripts
Prob, impl ing its not already near max
so this is more likely just another push to cleanse the site for adverisers
RIP catholics
wtf is this cuck doing
But communism is a ok
The church has always been a strong critic of capitalism
So how do I get vetted?
but I doubt this fag is doing that for the same reasons