Message from @Joe the boomer

Discord ID: 642062412056363027

2019-11-03 00:17:26 UTC  


2019-11-03 00:17:38 UTC  

Lmao that’s capital

2019-11-03 00:19:30 UTC  

>be Yankee wignat
>love evropa
>move to Nordic paradise
>always agitate for stronger immigration laws
>go to speak at wignat conference to achieve this aim
>get arrested and deported for breaking immigration laws

2019-11-03 02:09:54 UTC  

Worse, he moved into one of the few counties that give a shit about immigration status

2019-11-03 02:11:10 UTC  

He was no better for the Hungarian system than Ahmed or Wumbuboyamukokoko

2019-11-03 11:09:36 UTC  

Tulsi Gabbard isn't telling you the real reason she's not running for reelection to Congress: Hawaii is one of many states that does not allow politicians to run for multiple offices simultaneously. If she ran for reelection, she would not be allowed to run in the Hawaii presidential primary, which would both cost her a lot of support AND be highly embarrassing. Rand Paul ran into this same problem when he ran for president in 2016, which is why he lobbied behind the scenes to have Kentucky change from a primary system to a caucus system; since caucuses are indirect elections (they elect delegates, not candidates themselves), he could run in the presidential race AND the Kentucky Senate primary at the same time. Gabbard doesn't have anywhere near the clout that Paul had so she had no hope of forcing a similar change in Hawaii.

2019-11-03 11:19:21 UTC  

Most states prohibit candidates from running simultaneously for different offices in order to prevent them from winning multiple offices and then leaving the extra ones unfilled. Hawaii is one of several states that go a step further with a "resign-to-run" law, which forces candidates to resign any existing offices they hold in order to run for a different one (ex: Neil Abercrombie, a former governor of Hawaii, was forced to resign his House seat before beginning his gubernatorial campaign). I'm guessing there's an exemption for presidential candidates, which is how Gabbard got this far.

2019-11-03 17:56:24 UTC  

I expect Tulsi will get some cabinet or ambassador position in the administation of whoever wins 2020. She'd do a better job as UN ambassador than Nikki Haley did. Her foreign policy is good and she's not in the cabal group of warmongers or neocons.

2019-11-03 17:59:20 UTC  

Trump isn't giving her shit

2019-11-03 17:59:32 UTC  

she's going to be a Fox News contributor

2019-11-04 02:17:00 UTC  

What the fuuuuuuuck?

2019-11-04 10:17:52 UTC  

Look who got recruited into the "movement":

2019-11-07 02:48:27 UTC  

eGrifter, Ballerina, and all around gay guy gets banned from Twitter

2019-11-07 18:39:06 UTC  

@mattforney this is good PJW is wiseing up and exposing a shit ton of normies to nick

2019-11-08 00:27:17 UTC  

I don't even really want to comment on this because I'm tired of wignats and I really have nothing against Josh Neal, but something about this doesn't add up. Neal has been doing wignat content for the better part of a year, using his face, associating with Richard Spencer, and only NOW he gets doxed? He's apparently a guitarist for a fairly popular Brooklyn band (with a gay lead singer LMAO) AND a college professor; nobody connected the dots until NOW? Antifa spend their free time (read: all their time) going through "Nazis'" lives with a fine-tooth comb and it took them the better part of a year to get Neal? Something about this stinks.

2019-11-08 00:29:49 UTC  

For the record, the only time Josh Neal and I have ever had any kind of interaction was when we both appeared on Luke Ford's show last April and he was vigorously defending the doxing of Ricky Vaughn. I thought he was dumb and a probable fed but had no real issue with him beyond that. But the idea that a guy who works as a college professor and musician in Brooklyn could facedox and post wignat content without getting doxed always struck me as deeply strange.

2019-11-08 00:34:27 UTC  

Oh well. Chalk it up to yet another life that Richard Spencer has ruined.

2019-11-08 00:47:43 UTC  

oh ffs

2019-11-08 23:34:04 UTC  

A bit of an info from SF

2019-11-08 23:34:29 UTC  

I know a guy there, he works at Go-gl

2019-11-08 23:36:15 UTC  

For at least 5 years, let's leave it at that. He complains the engineers are barely working 2 hours per day

2019-11-08 23:36:40 UTC  

Since 2018 the workload died down

2019-11-08 23:38:18 UTC  

They spend most of their time in politics, brainstorming on how to coop with former colleagues on slack groups

2019-11-08 23:40:13 UTC  

Their main goal is to fully negate the variables they have identify and eliminate the variables that made any change on 2016, that they have control over

2019-11-08 23:42:34 UTC  

So, 80% of 80% of go-gls and other silykon valy time is spen on political suppression. As it was said, if burning down the internet is the cost of 2020, they will make it so.

2019-11-08 23:43:20 UTC  

Good luck Amerikaners.

2019-11-09 23:18:37 UTC  

The Daily Braap Live-We chat with K Alexander Adams one of the first groypers to stump charlie kirk of TUPSA TUNE IN HERE FOR THE DLIVE EXCLUSIVE

2019-11-09 23:20:12 UTC  

@Joe the boomer keep it in <#442308400676732938> man this is the second time I've had to warn you I respect your server's rules please respect mine

2019-11-10 02:13:23 UTC  

Kassy Dillon, the woman who tried to ruin Nick Fuentes' career for "racism," employed a convicted child molester to run her site. The guy was also convicted for threatening to murder black people. LMAO.