Message from @Dust

Discord ID: 641632465336795146

got the shares 🀷🏿

and the shares are good, 25% discount at Brew Dog bars

2019-11-06 13:07:32 UTC  


2019-11-06 13:18:43 UTC  

shame the beer is mostly shite

The beer is acceptable craft beer

If you live in my Dad's head in most pubs there isn't anything for him to drink

so Brew Dog's in most major cities as a default?

seems pretty good

2019-11-06 13:30:34 UTC  

punk ipa is *okay* everything else ranges from *acceptable* to trash

but they taste beers like it's wine

it's sick and wrong

I sit with my Pint of Punk or perhaps whatever Lager they do at the time

and even the Punk is too citrus for me

2019-11-06 13:35:20 UTC  

my local has green king ipa and abbot

2019-11-06 13:35:25 UTC  

which are both great

2019-11-06 13:35:34 UTC  

and then random guest

it's gets better in the Norf I think

2019-11-06 13:38:16 UTC  

yeah we're not fairies

2019-11-06 13:38:20 UTC  

we know how to beer

2019-11-06 13:44:57 UTC  

Just don't drink.

2019-11-06 13:45:46 UTC  

Then again I am literally rolling the dice everytime I take a drink of alcohol so maybe I'm a bit biased.

2019-11-06 13:46:26 UTC  

You're the faggot, I have poor genes.

2019-11-06 13:46:45 UTC  

I don't want to be an alcoholic.

2019-11-06 13:47:10 UTC  

And when that gene is on BOTH sides of your family, you have no real middle ground.

2019-11-06 13:48:05 UTC  

@Dust did u not remember this?

2019-11-06 13:48:09 UTC  

I've gotten addicted to soft drinks. Imagine fucking alcohol. I have an addictive personality on top of my genetic predispositions.

2019-11-06 13:49:06 UTC  

@gonejamin I'm not sure how it's relevant?

2019-11-06 13:49:23 UTC  

My ancestors drank too much and cursed their lineage maybe. Something cooler sounding than DNA.

2019-11-06 13:49:30 UTC  

U said brew dog are kinda gay

2019-11-06 13:49:35 UTC  


2019-11-06 13:49:40 UTC  

I was offering additional evidence

2019-11-06 13:49:58 UTC  


2019-11-06 13:50:06 UTC  


2019-11-06 13:50:07 UTC  

I already said they were kinda gay, I don't need evidence

2019-11-06 13:50:35 UTC  

I mean. Evidence is always necessary. Or did you become a leftist?

2019-11-06 13:50:59 UTC  

evidence is necessary if you're trying to prove me wrong

2019-11-06 13:51:04 UTC  

if you're just agreeing with me

2019-11-06 13:51:06 UTC  

why bother