Message from @BibleBot

Discord ID: 641267482849443863

2019-11-04 05:46:25 UTC  

ok, maybe its just me, but it seemed like we were discussing how america became what it is and how that went with native americans in your own words "at that time",
but now your saying we are discussing your everyday experiences, your also now saying you are done talking about this,

and i see you deleted your post that i was responding too..... interesting...

ill just delete my reply then.

we all have different perspectives on life so whatever it was you were actualy wanting to talk about, its likely not as simple as 'right and wrong' as you put it,
everyones perspective has something we can learn from.

2019-11-04 07:23:00 UTC  


2019-11-04 07:23:01 UTC  

**John 19:30 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<30> When Jesus had received the wine, he said, "It is finished." Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. ```

2019-11-04 13:24:00 UTC  


2019-11-04 13:24:01 UTC  

**Revelation 5:13 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<13> Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, singing,"To the one seated on the throne and to the Lambbe blessing and honor and glory and mightforever and ever!"```

2019-11-04 13:42:37 UTC

2019-11-04 13:44:10 UTC  

My daughter made it back home safely. Thank you to those who prayed 🙏

2019-11-04 19:25:00 UTC  


2019-11-04 19:25:01 UTC  

**Luke 19:10 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<10> For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost."```

2019-11-04 20:24:24 UTC  
2019-11-04 23:06:27 UTC  

@Prayer Warrior -My cousin's son, Arlen, age 31, father of 2 wee ones, is Amish. He fell off his roof and broke his neck. He is paralyzed (at this point) from his chest down. He has had complications of blood clots in his legs and a condition called cardiac arrhythmia. This is something he was born with, but it was never a serious issue until after the accident. Prior to the accident, his body was able to self-correct, but now it needs a little help. His doctors plan to do a low-risk procedure to fix this before moving back. However, his blood clots need to be addressed first BEFORE his heart procedure can be done. He has some "sensations" on his right arm when it is rubbed, which is a positive. Please pray for Divine Healing and for peace. Once the "procedures" are done, he can go to rehab. He is at The James Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and will be transferred to Dodd rehab, which is connected by a tunnel to the hospital. Thank you so much for your prayers.

2019-11-05 00:53:37 UTC  

Father Icome to you today on behalf of Arlen. Father you are the Healer and Lord I thank you for the Faith of Retired Tchr. Father we know nothing moves you like Faith. So Today I join my Faith with theirs. Father we speak first to the Blood clot and we command it to disolve in the name of Jesus. We speak that his blood will flow through his body the way you created it to flow Lord. Father we declare and decree that the feeling comes back to his body, we speak that he will become whole once again and be able to take care of his family and play with his children. Father we come against Cardiac arrhythmia and we command it to cease and desist its mission against Arlen's body. We call forth the Power that raised Jesus from the dead to rise in Arlen Body. I thank you for Strengthening his Mortal Body and making him whole. Father we Love you and we place our Faith and trust in you. Father I pray over Arlen's Family give them strength and Raise their Faith Lord. Let them keep their eyes on you, In Jesus name....AMEN!!!

2019-11-05 01:26:00 UTC  


2019-11-05 01:26:01 UTC  

**Isaiah 58:6 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<6> Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? ```

2019-11-05 05:27:40 UTC  

Calling all prayer warriors.
Time is of the essence.I have an unspoken prayer of great need,not for myself. What is a mountain to one is only a molehill for many.

2019-11-05 07:27:00 UTC  


2019-11-05 07:27:03 UTC  

**Isaiah 1:17 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<17> learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow. ```

2019-11-05 13:28:01 UTC  


2019-11-05 13:28:02 UTC  

**Psalm 16:11 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<11> You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore. ```

2019-11-05 14:37:50 UTC  

@Prayer Warrior --thank you so much!! They are believers, but sometimes discouragement tries to take over when things don't go as fast as we like!!

2019-11-05 16:28:17 UTC  

@RetiredTchr praying

2019-11-05 19:29:00 UTC  


2019-11-05 19:29:01 UTC  

**Matthew 18:15 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**

Reproving Another Who Sins

<15> "If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If the member listens to you, you have regained that one. ```

2019-11-05 21:46:04 UTC  

Bix Weir (@RoadtoRoota) Tweeted:
It is with great sadness that I report the passing of our youngest son, Toby Weir. He was such a beautiful & sensitive being that gave so much to the world. Unfortunately, he chose to end his own life. We are devastated.

2019-11-05 22:10:35 UTC  

what are your favorite bibles I use king james but was wondering what you all like

2019-11-05 22:50:41 UTC  

@MAX POWERS I haven't studied the Bible as much as some do, but I did read someone who enjoys the living word enjoys the King James printed before 1938

2019-11-06 01:03:48 UTC  

I use many different ones while I am studying. I prefer reference Bible But also use the New Living Translation & the New King James the most.

2019-11-06 01:29:00 UTC  


2019-11-06 01:29:01 UTC  

**John 10:10 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<10> The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. ```

2019-11-06 07:30:00 UTC  


2019-11-06 07:30:01 UTC  

**Revelation 3:20 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<20> Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me. ```

2019-11-06 09:27:23 UTC

2019-11-06 13:31:00 UTC  


2019-11-06 13:31:02 UTC  

**James 4:7 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<7> Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. ```

2019-11-06 15:21:13 UTC  

Do for one what you wish you could do for many

2019-11-06 15:21:31 UTC

2019-11-06 17:08:36 UTC

2019-11-06 19:32:00 UTC  
