Message from @Shadetree49

Discord ID: 644613565994631181

2019-11-14 14:03:33 UTC  

Prayer for you, our USA soldiers and families and for the safety of the knowledge of Christ Jesus as Savior. I don’t want people to follow me into sin- nor you. This conversation has been taken to heart; yet the knowledge of ones’ immortality is something that makes a person lose faith in God. Sin is what it is: and has always been a barrier between us and God. A simple thought can be a sin... but thinking is necessary. Cigarette smoking and use of tobacco products can help some people to stay awake and vigilant. We need people to be wary of overindulgence and excess- with prayer and preaching, as well. Winning souls for God cannot be done with excessive forced opinion and dangerous damnation of others constantly. I am sure I am more worried about other health problems than what tobacco can inflict. I don’t condone sin of any nature.

2019-11-14 14:12:52 UTC  

And what of the people who have seen God in their dreams? God reveals Himself to His Beloved however He can. Peace, Love , and Goodness From Him To You I pray in my imperfect being I WILL NEVER GIVE UP PRAYING FOR OTHERS TO LIVE BETTER AND HAVE A BETTER LIFE THAN I HAVE. Taking charity (welfare) when you have no other choice is NOT theft. Not in a civilized society.

2019-11-14 14:15:02 UTC  

Taking when not needed- this may be something of the problem you are referring to?

2019-11-14 15:16:48 UTC  

Jesus said, "The poor you will always have with you". To me that says you will always have opportunities to care for them.

2019-11-14 15:44:39 UTC  

Day Five, Thursday: God created the fish and the birds.

2019-11-14 15:47:09 UTC

2019-11-14 15:58:20 UTC  

The new trinity

2019-11-14 16:05:50 UTC  

That symbology is curious. Rather 'Ankh' like I'm sure I'm making "much ado about nothing" but I do recall q saying some things about symbols.

2019-11-14 16:07:38 UTC  

The mother, the son and the father.

2019-11-14 16:07:41 UTC  

Please try to avoid putting God in a box

2019-11-14 16:12:39 UTC  

What does 'the mother have to do with the Godhead? Is she replacing the Holy Spirit? Mary was an incubator for the body of Jesus. On the cross He referred to her as 'woman'.

2019-11-14 16:32:22 UTC  

Heavenly Mother.

2019-11-14 16:46:42 UTC  

heresy and blasphemy

2019-11-14 16:54:33 UTC  

I see the fangs and claws of the enemy are coming out. Am I a hater because I call Gods Word true and every mans word a lie?

2019-11-14 17:03:09 UTC  

Is God not God enough to keep His word pure? Do we need to look at outside sources that discredit the bulk of the scriptures? Truth must agree with truth or one of them is wrong.

2019-11-14 17:46:32 UTC  
2019-11-14 18:07:54 UTC  

Bach wrote a lot of music for the church, but fails to mention Jesus' resurrection. That doesn't mean his music is not beautiful.

2019-11-14 19:04:10 UTC  

Worldly man (Cain) seeks and worships beauty. Godly man (Able) seeks and worships according to Gods word.

2019-11-14 19:10:37 UTC  

The original Cain killed able with a rock. Modern day Cain tries to kill Able through deception.

2019-11-14 20:03:00 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:03:01 UTC  

2019-11-14 20:06:38 UTC

2019-11-14 22:57:57 UTC

2019-11-14 23:16:38 UTC  
2019-11-15 02:03:00 UTC  


2019-11-15 02:03:01 UTC  

2019-11-15 02:09:47 UTC  

@child12 , it's the principle that needs to be held close to the heart. Nobody's immune to needing an extra hand or handful, but, that's where the lawmakers are supposed to allow the communities and churches fill the needs, not Government. We're supposed to rely, depend, on God for everything, and his followers are supposed to help God tend to his flock. God's law no longer the LAW, because everybody's been robbed by man to force man to rely on Government. The Government then takes the 'tithings' and spend it in questionable ways (slushfunds?), with very little going to those who need it. Dilley's poster once shared with us how every single totally disabled person would be a millionaire, and everyone else completely helped, if the money were actually given to them instead of to the bureaucrats. That's a LOT of stolen funds. The saying Taxation is theft is far more true than we realize the onion layers that encapsulate it.
Same for education. Parents are supposed to be in charge of their children's education. The pioneers learned to read with the bible being their only book. While it's true that not every parent was an angel, it's also true that there were more angels than demons in every community, at that time. Most of all, there was freedom to imagine, think, use critical thinking, and hold dear the vast diversity of natural and learned skills, every community member balancing the other members in the community.
Ending the Federal Reserves, National Education system, most of the abc agencies including the FDA, etc would go a long way towards the freedom our country was born to be.

2019-11-15 03:16:59 UTC

2019-11-15 03:17:03 UTC

2019-11-15 03:17:03 UTC

2019-11-15 03:20:57 UTC

2019-11-15 03:21:01 UTC

2019-11-15 08:04:01 UTC  


2019-11-15 08:04:02 UTC  

2019-11-15 09:43:20 UTC

2019-11-15 13:18:15 UTC

2019-11-15 14:05:00 UTC  
