Message from @RickBulow74

Discord ID: 641036954552762378

2019-11-03 08:27:53 UTC  

@MagaSwaga & @salty crystal

"On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4)."

"Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials."

"We have a forum..." = "We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens."

"False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity."

2019-11-03 13:04:38 UTC  

@Nothing i guess we will find out today if there was anything to these predictions or if they were just more disinformation fear mongering.

2019-11-03 13:17:51 UTC  

@imig hdv

2019-11-03 13:24:39 UTC  
2019-11-03 19:04:24 UTC  

@imig - I don't buy the Seattle predictions; I think they're fear mongering. But I thought it might possibly be the "False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity."

2019-11-03 19:05:19 UTC  

The 11.3 announcement that becomes actionable on 11.4 could be explained by the announcement being made on Sunday.

2019-11-03 19:05:50 UTC  

However, I feel like it's more likely that the 11.3 announcement will be made just before the elections, which is why they anticipate so much unrest

2019-11-03 19:07:06 UTC  

In which case, it's a Tuesday announcement & a Wednesday arrest in 2020?

2019-11-03 21:33:06 UTC  
2019-11-03 21:37:21 UTC  

@Nothing ya i never buy the doomsday fearmongering type predictions either, ive been seeing them going round ever since 2012...

and look here we are halfway through the day and seattle is just fine.

2019-11-03 22:58:18 UTC  

@imig - Indeed.

2019-11-04 13:39:10 UTC  

@Nothing hoooooraaaay SEATTLE SURVIVED THE 3RD!!!


sometimes i think someone needs to be making a list of every site that promotes those sort of junk fear mongering articles, so we can hold them to task for it.

2019-11-04 22:02:06 UTC

2019-11-04 22:02:29 UTC

2019-11-04 22:02:53 UTC

2019-11-04 22:03:54 UTC

2019-11-04 22:04:36 UTC

2019-11-04 22:05:25 UTC

2019-11-04 23:28:55 UTC

2019-11-04 23:31:35 UTC

2019-11-05 05:06:38 UTC  

@imig - That's a great idea. A good first step would be to identify some of the big examples in something like a Google sheet. Then we could try to search for similar/related articles to the examples & group them based on the "prediction" & put some content together.

2019-11-05 18:33:28 UTC  

Mitt Romney involved with the drug cartels. The news is finally reporting its ties to Romneyhood.

2019-11-05 22:01:57 UTC

2019-11-05 22:02:26 UTC

2019-11-05 22:03:12 UTC

2019-11-05 22:03:40 UTC

2019-11-05 22:04:37 UTC  

@here412 Anon is taking calls Live On Air . You are welcome to call in using Pre-Screening Voice.

2019-11-05 22:12:01 UTC

2019-11-05 22:12:13 UTC

2019-11-05 22:31:51 UTC  

IMHO, the fundamental advantage of leaving the EU is the opportunity to re-establish the Rule of Common Law and Equity in our constitution, as opposed to submission to the fascist "Napoleonic Code" (essentially you can only do something IF there is a regulation which allows it) upon which EU "legislation" is based, and which explains the 10000s of EU regulations.

In English Law, the Common Sense rule of "Do No Harm" prevails over any unlawful "legislation". Parliament is paid by the People to ENACT the law, NOT to enact unlawful legislation at the behest of its puppet masters.

2019-11-05 22:34:29 UTC

2019-11-05 22:37:57 UTC  


"Jo Swinson, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, and her colleague MP's voted against a proposed change to the Official Secrets Act so that public servants, including MPs, will continue to be protected from any investigation of allegations about child abuse."

2019-11-05 22:38:34 UTC