Message from @Fried
Discord ID: 644793257976397835
I would love to have a PTR-91 and the description fits me quite well. It is called the MSG-91 in the chart.
So anyone with experience with a Zastava EZ9 or any other Zastava pistol? I am giving serious consideration to them since all FNH FNX models have an unnecessary manual safety.
>ywn own a gun in your life
Is the glownigger spying and fake cheese worth it to grab a gun?
@JAMPOTL Do it in an "undocumented" manner then.
I love this video
Hahaha guys it’s anime get it
where can I get a really fucking cheap ak74
it doesnt have to be fully built
@Tree_Nigga Check out 80% lower receivers.
I’m a cali fag
Not worth it
me on right
300 blackout or 556
I want an upper
does grey shop sell good uniforms
I understand the helmets and armor are larp
yoooo i have that gun in a stalker mod
If that were in left-handed configuration, I would be in love.
stfu lefty
youll get the rope
@Tree_Nigga Bring 'em on.
L o n g 1911