Message from @Niccolo
Discord ID: 641140485293080577
lmao I think it got deleted
cascadia is super blue pilled
For those that live in more cucked nations than the US...
holding down the button <:strawman:372034857099984897>
Would not work.
drill a hole
God damn fully automatic assault shotgun
Anyone have experience with the Arkansas toothpick for cutting and stabbing? Ignore conceal carry and legality for the sake of discussing effectiveness.
I unironically take an anarchistic stance on guns as well as drugs and alcohol.
Who here doesnt
Cause I'd assume serating blade would made the wounds more fatal
But then again serated blades are banned in certain states
holy fuck that is genius
I would love to have a PTR-91 and the description fits me quite well. It is called the MSG-91 in the chart.
So anyone with experience with a Zastava EZ9 or any other Zastava pistol? I am giving serious consideration to them since all FNH FNX models have an unnecessary manual safety.
>ywn own a gun in your life
Is the glownigger spying and fake cheese worth it to grab a gun?
@JAMPOTL Do it in an "undocumented" manner then.
I love this video
Hahaha guys it’s anime get it
where can I get a really fucking cheap ak74
it doesnt have to be fully built
@Tree_Nigga Check out 80% lower receivers.
I’m a cali fag
Not worth it