Message from @cons_nc
Discord ID: 595718423019913225
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @EsotericAmerica!
am i unable to change my nickname in here?
@EsotericAmerica if you click on the under settings, the gear like thing 3rd over from your avatar on the lower left, you can edit it in the "My Account" box.
this s/n is my production name- i have a couple brands that i like to use in relevant chats
so i dont like to change it across the whole platform
its no big deal
I'll look around.
dont look too hard
its not really important
@EsotericAmerica go ahead, just enabled it
reddit admins are censoring the above video in reddit subs including the_donald
@EsotericAmerica Thanks for the vid...another Maxine moment on our hands.
its incredible what we are witnessing
thats my channel where the video is hosted
How did they get across the ocean?
Nike was gonna make special collector shoes to celebrate the 4th of July with the old Betsy Ross Flag, (I like that flag more then the 50 Stars one TBH), Colin Kaepernick then says that flag means racism or something along those lines and Nike doesn't make the shoes. The Arizona Governor sees this and removes all funding to have Nike build their 3rd Nike manufacture plant in Arizona.
Omg that shit about the shoes is ridiculous.
At what point are these people’s butthurt interpretation of innocuous things their own problem?
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, <@!595753431965237248>!
Welcome 😃
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, <@!563757715630063652>!
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, <@!595754185731997747>!
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @Åñgęłfÿrę (T1-LUXXE)!
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @WhiteSharkTooth!
hello all!
Hi! Thanks for the invite!
<@&562482309765529640> ppl, if you are tagged as a reddit refugee and are not, let me or someone know we will fix it.
Hi maga chat
I think it's funny Trump gets 120k requests for a 20k rally, dems can't get more than a few at best, but they are ahead in the "polls" lol.
Just got banned from /r/ I'm a refugee from there