Message from @desperado
Discord ID: 597816918237380608
This needs to be exposed
<a:alert:514111434435854346> <a:finger_wave:513921465989464080>
Alec fuckin Baldwin <:trumplaugh:594943431525269508>
Damn I was hoping to see ole Bill in there
And Trump makes the list...gonna get interesting now!
I am told that Trump was the informant and fully cooperated as a 'witness'.
@KARmA KATʑ Told by who?
It is chatter amongst the circles I lurk in. We have been researching this for about 16 months now.
I've heard that as well.
Happy Monday everybody!
Lol yep! We need to find a lower middle class tax shelter lol
I support a flat tax system; it's the only fair way to tax people:
the alice the goon dance
Just put a plastic safety seal on the ice cream tops....problem solved
This guys in his 60s...grow the fuck up!
Calm down
Allie was not stomping on the flag
@Weissest these scum bag lesbos still threw it on the ground! fuck them
had to fire up the generator
power was cut but cable still working
Hi everyone, i'm mexican but trump supporter, i'm doing the paperwork to get the American citizenship (i have to stay 2 months here without going back to México to get the citizenship) where could i learn about the conservatives vs liberals and basically all of that?
when i look for something i usually end up more confused than when i started haha
@Elizabeth López Thanks for your support and we appreciate you doing things the right way! Are you looking for more of educational resources to learn more about US social stuff?
let's go into voice channel and chat
maybe tomorrow
@@cons_nc that's right
thats what were here for
to chat and network
come back over tomorrow around this time or a bit later and we'll go in voice
@Elizabeth López This site has helped me understand way more than I wanted to know: