Message from @Mikashukii
Discord ID: 624437660689235969
hello <@623992556644204545>
hello y'all
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @Trump Lady!
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @Il-Republican-lI!
Hello everybody!
How was your day? @thierry
great thx! hbu?
A 14 hour shake down at a prison.
thats rough
98 prisoners sentenced to 13 months solitary.
Bernie Sanders arrested at a civil rights rally for battery and rioting.
Anyone else see Francis's ama?
Guys. I got a question
How are we going to get rid of the white nationalists in our party?
@Royce the Arctic Fox There will never be an end to racism until all races realize its not just white people that are racist. Evil and hate comes in every form and any form it comes in will use any kind of ammo provided to be that way. Radicalized white nationalists or whatever you want to call them are mostly formed from the never ending banishment or their opinions because they’re white. They literally own up to what society says they are and go further than that.
Almost any radicalized person starts that way.
And the way we get rid of any racist is by calling them out on their bullshit when we see them show face.
whats happening regarding <#562495814203736064> ? Im confused
The guys who run TD are attempting to make a primary platform other than reddit for the sub.
i hate politics
even more so since Trump got elected
which was a huge part of why i voted for him
since he isnt political, and isnt a politician
Yeah. The media never shuts up their lying asses anymore.
Makes me sick to watch them self destruct.
for sure
and granted, trump has made mistakes and screwed up, siding with bad policies occasionally and all
Trump triggered the people who own these companies so much that they decided to shit post all media for the last 4 years.