Message from @Bannedrew
Discord ID: 442509228297682955
jewish girls are my type
who ordered the fish and chips
what an edgy attention seeking faggot
im a slave to my manager
imagine being a lifelet
imagine saying you are a slave to your manager and not naming the jew
(((my manager)))
(((my landlord)))
(((the powers that b)))
what if he actually does name the jew
imagine giving that degenerate 20 thousand dollars
hey fellas
thanks its bebtter than irl me
lil xan is revolting against the modern world
lil xan is naming the jew
im a robot
banye is brownpilled
the democrats were right
take the brownpill fellas
we need to keep the niggers on the plantation
bernie can still win
marx is based
stop being a faggot
that video except unironically
i only play spider solitaire