Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 569209433411027129

2019-04-20 17:10:45 UTC  

oh the chances are slim for sure

2019-04-20 17:10:47 UTC  

Corporate dems will gets their revenge

2019-04-20 17:10:59 UTC  

but then again trump 2016 was a surprise in on itself

2019-04-20 17:11:07 UTC  

corp dems need to kill off their far lefties

2019-04-20 17:11:11 UTC  

it's shitting up their platform

2019-04-20 17:11:28 UTC  

Corporate dems are shit themselves

2019-04-20 17:11:33 UTC  


2019-04-20 17:11:36 UTC  

The populist vote is being heavily supressed now, candidates cannot grow as quickly as Trump did.

2019-04-20 17:11:48 UTC  

Question is which one is shittier

2019-04-20 17:12:04 UTC  

far lefties easily

2019-04-20 17:12:09 UTC  

corp dems at least are somewhat functional

2019-04-20 17:12:31 UTC  

My issue is what do we do NOW.

2019-04-20 17:12:43 UTC  

Assume we have 5 years to fix NK

2019-04-20 17:12:46 UTC  

With aloha girl on the debate stage i will see her being silenced. They dont want her to speak of the military industrial complex ruining nations since iraq, libya, syria etc

2019-04-20 17:13:31 UTC  

We need the military industrial complex though.

2019-04-20 17:13:49 UTC  

It is why we are the top superpower.

2019-04-20 17:14:14 UTC  

I don't have much room to talk, but you perhaps should take it down a notch with that huge debt

2019-04-20 17:14:22 UTC  

then again

2019-04-20 17:14:27 UTC  

gibs also need to go away for sure

2019-04-20 17:14:56 UTC  

I understand you need a military

2019-04-20 17:15:04 UTC  

But do you need to invade other nations?

2019-04-20 17:15:22 UTC  

We need to maintain a hegemony my man. Invasion only if necessary.

2019-04-20 17:15:37 UTC  

One of the few positive things that come out of it is that the U.S. does get to test and refine with actual field experience.

2019-04-20 17:15:58 UTC  

We don't just keep America safe, we keep the west safe.

2019-04-20 17:16:22 UTC  

you got over 11 carrier strike groups each one capable of bringing an airforce greater then roughly 80% of the worlds nations have to their disposal

2019-04-20 17:16:44 UTC  

@EnderOctanus Since when was getting rid of gaddafi making europe safe?

2019-04-20 17:17:03 UTC  

The risks far outweigh the possible positives of an invasion

2019-04-20 17:17:15 UTC  

Not that it'll ever happen China won't let it

2019-04-20 17:17:23 UTC  

Gaddafi was One of the biggest reasons we didnt have this enormous amount of immigrants invading europ4e

2019-04-20 17:17:36 UTC  

I did not say anything about Gaddafi.

2019-04-20 17:17:39 UTC  


2019-04-20 17:17:55 UTC  

NK is nothing like Ghaddafi

2019-04-20 17:18:18 UTC  

Our military is ENORMOUS and is still too small compared to China and Russia if they formed an alliance.

2019-04-20 17:18:33 UTC  

Though I'm for any solution, even military intervention, China won't accept it

2019-04-20 17:18:34 UTC  

lol no its not @EnderOctanus maybe in manpower

2019-04-20 17:18:36 UTC  

Problem with NK invasion is that the amount of ordnance NK has on the border is so substantial, that even with first strike the Norks would be able to deal considerable damage to Seoul and other Sork installations

2019-04-20 17:18:41 UTC  

Yes manpower

2019-04-20 17:18:47 UTC  

Like I said suicide mission

2019-04-20 17:18:48 UTC  

And maintenance

2019-04-20 17:18:58 UTC  

Lol China and russia cant even dream of the material like jets and ships you guys goit

2019-04-20 17:19:07 UTC  

They have ot