Message from @Tero

Discord ID: 570246885395136512

2019-04-23 13:13:05 UTC  

@Fitzydog `Facebook’s new chief lawyer helped write the Patriot Act`
this is actually a sign they're worried about pressure being applied soon

2019-04-23 13:35:43 UTC  
2019-04-23 13:38:44 UTC  


2019-04-23 13:39:06 UTC  


2019-04-23 13:39:12 UTC  

Guess imma keep being racist and hate niggers

2019-04-23 13:43:57 UTC

2019-04-23 13:47:54 UTC  

*cough* college dropouts?

2019-04-23 13:50:10 UTC  

>poor people without a college education are net tax contributors

2019-04-23 13:50:11 UTC  

nice meme fam

Anyone that doesn't have a degree instantly drop whatever they are doing and goes to college

now everyone has a degree

2019-04-23 13:51:06 UTC  

let all get a degree in black woman cat dance therapy

2019-04-23 13:51:30 UTC  

the US college scam is next level though

2019-04-23 13:53:47 UTC  

you can get a degree in anything you are willing to pay for. if it useful we never tell you

2019-04-23 13:54:34 UTC  

The more unjust part is that those who might have gone to college and earn more if it weren't for the fact that they wanted to avoid the student debt problem for themselves are screwed for their safe decision while the ones who carelessly got mounds of debt for useless degrees in underwater basket-weaving get out of debt for free with no consequences.

2019-04-23 13:54:58 UTC  

And then on top of that the ones without degrees will also pay for the ones who got degrees.

2019-04-23 13:56:00 UTC  

Fuck it. I'm going to take out a massive loan and go to law school. I've always enjoyed legal nuance and paperwork.

2019-04-23 13:57:24 UTC  

I think that it is unfair to lump all students with debt onto the same basket of "careless fools" who accepted debt for a degree

2019-04-23 13:57:32 UTC  

forgiving existing debt won't really solve the structural retardation that is the college scam in the usa @Grodd

2019-04-23 13:58:50 UTC  

I'm saying that the ones who were careless are the ones being rewarded for their stupidity. Obviously not all people who earned degrees were stupid. Some of them are very smart and deserved going. They're probably not the ones facing issues with debt however.

And yes, the structural retardation will still exist.

2019-04-23 13:59:39 UTC  

Education should not be a privilege but a right, and achieving higher education should not cost a person their earnings for the next decade. The fact that you need to pay excessive amounts of money to get a degree, some for a field requiring one is riduculous

2019-04-23 13:59:41 UTC  

Colleges and universities lost when they decided to take the hyper-capitalist route of appealing to EVERYONE. The thing is universities and colleges ARE NOT for everyone. They're for academics. Not everyone is an academic. Trying to get everyone to go was a mistake. Trying to make it appeal to everyone was a mistake.

2019-04-23 14:00:09 UTC  

it the myth that everyone need a degree to get far in life. the reality is that not all people are able to get a useful degree and had been better served learning a trade in the long run

2019-04-23 14:00:17 UTC  

They sold out the one thing they had of value, which was knowledge and merit.

2019-04-23 14:00:52 UTC  

Most people should not go to college/university. Yes, the myth of everyone needing to go to get a good life played a huge role in the degradation.

2019-04-23 14:01:31 UTC  

the growth in college attendance has happened in europe and etc. as well though and hasn't caused quite similar problems i think

2019-04-23 14:02:11 UTC  

it is natural for people to want to get more educated with the declining relevance of manufacturing in our economies, as we moved to more high-skill service based jobs

2019-04-23 14:02:31 UTC  

but i think where the US went wrong is basically guaranteeing loans to price-gouging institutions free to set whatever price they wanted

2019-04-23 14:02:58 UTC  

they would be insane not to mark up the price however much they thought people would be dumb enough to still agree to

2019-04-23 14:03:23 UTC  

@Capitán Alatriste A basic education should be a right, but an advanced education is a privilege. It costs money to pay for professors and staff and facilities. That money should be charged to the students for their education. That's a fair exchange. The idea being that by getting this education they will be able to have a better life and obviously by earning much more with their education they can pay off the loan.

But this falls apart when you try to appeal to everyone and diminish the quality of the education and let people take shit like underwater basket-weaving which has NO practical value and will NOT let you earn better.

2019-04-23 14:03:25 UTC  

indeed you could argue that their CEOs and boards of trustees or what have you have a legal duty to do so

2019-04-23 14:03:27 UTC  

here in norway we did fix it with that if you get a useful degree and passes, the government will forgive up to 75% of the stutent loan but if you fail you have to pay back and you only get 3 "free" years. and the schools are super nazi on being late or gone

2019-04-23 14:03:52 UTC  

You're right @Tero

2019-04-23 14:04:20 UTC  

They have a financial duty to be as scummy as possible especially when there's no restrictions on their fairness.

2019-04-23 14:04:36 UTC  

@Grodd I approve of the Nordic system whereby Universities are far more accesible and there are many government plans to help the students out

2019-04-23 14:04:51 UTC  

Then move to Norway.

2019-04-23 14:05:03 UTC  

he dont like the tax level

2019-04-23 14:05:05 UTC  

personally i think imposing a duty to first maximise profit on every institution is asking for societal suicide but not my country lol

2019-04-23 14:05:15 UTC  

Well the tax level is what pays for all your Nordic shit you idiot.