Message from @Jym

Discord ID: 570409677792215041

2019-04-24 00:11:43 UTC  

However for most quadrupeds humans do have superiority in long-distance stamina.

2019-04-24 00:12:16 UTC  

Not as well as humans after a certain distance. We think that was a large part of early hunting. That while short-term we could not outpace herbivores over a longer stretch hominid groups could run them down.

2019-04-24 00:12:36 UTC  

i don't think exhaustion hunting was really that big

2019-04-24 00:12:51 UTC  

waste of energy

2019-04-24 00:12:55 UTC  

Oh it was huge.

2019-04-24 00:13:02 UTC  

humans on a tight energy budget as is with our brains

2019-04-24 00:13:09 UTC  

no need to waste it running long distances at max

2019-04-24 00:13:17 UTC  

Cooking solved the energy budget problem.

2019-04-24 00:13:49 UTC  

Like native American Bison hunting was pretty much all just endurance hunting. There's a large upfront cost in KCals but thee payoff is huge.

2019-04-24 00:14:15 UTC  

Yes, a Bison would provide a massive caloric payoff. Tasty, too.

2019-04-24 00:16:47 UTC  

Our digestive system is adapted to running. Like the differences in our intestines from other primates. Cooking is a huge part f that. This is something we have data on. Women who take on the raw-food diet do not have estrus half the time because without cooking we cannot digest enough energy to reproduce. We are some weird weird monkeys.....

2019-04-24 00:31:14 UTC  

still am not sure how much humans would have relied on exhaustion hunting in particular, since even aboriginals developed ranged weapons, as did every other group of humans

2019-04-24 00:31:58 UTC  

obviously though long distance running would have been helpful for long distance migration and so on

2019-04-24 00:36:50 UTC  

whoop he actually mentions that, that people stopped really doing it after inventing projectile weapons

2019-04-24 00:36:59 UTC  

Ranged weapons are good but we're talking about flint tip spears here not a modern compound bow or even a recurve that can one-shot a deer. So even on a good hit you're going to have to track the game as it bleeds out. Now if you have a whole tribe of hunters and you can run down a whole herd of prey the payoff in calories gained for the investment is much higher.

2019-04-24 00:38:42 UTC  

and i bet they were actually pretty accurate with those spears

2019-04-24 00:39:05 UTC  

This also contributes to human eusociality. There is no way for a hunter to eat an elk or a bison before it goes bad. Even with his extended family. But if you store the meat in the stomachs of other families who might return the favor it does not go bad and it contributes to your survival.

2019-04-24 00:42:12 UTC  

And yeah I am going back a few millennia here. Even the Sentinel Island tribe who broke off, what? a few thousand years ago? Still have non-recurve bows. A much higher tech than most of human history.

2019-04-24 00:42:37 UTC  

you don't need bows though even

2019-04-24 00:43:02 UTC  

lot of people had spear throwers, abos used curved smoothed knotted throwing clubs

2019-04-24 00:44:24 UTC  

I was using Sentinel as a yardstick. Our species is something like 200K years old. So looking at the first 180K years or so it's flint tipped spears of salvaged wood.

2019-04-24 00:46:16 UTC  

I mean. I spent the last few years studying this so time perspective is important. Civilization is a new thing like the last few thousand years. An eyeblink in evolutionary time.

2019-04-24 00:47:40 UTC  

Well projectile weapons make exhaustion hunting even easier. Wound an animal badly it will exhaust far sooner.

2019-04-24 00:47:49 UTC  

Better if you just kill it though.

2019-04-24 00:48:39 UTC  

Also why humans are social cooperative creatures.

2019-04-24 00:49:03 UTC  

There are good reasons why humans operate the way they do.

2019-04-24 00:49:06 UTC  

And bad ones.

2019-04-24 00:49:07 UTC  

Right but that is relatively modern like the last 10000 years or so. Humans as a species separated from our common ancestor 3-5 million years ago.

2019-04-24 00:49:42 UTC  

Modern Homo-Sapiens like 150-200K.

2019-04-24 00:49:45 UTC  

Memes are actually the first barrier to a civilized culture of intelligent species.

2019-04-24 00:49:51 UTC  

Prove me wrong. You can't.

2019-04-24 00:50:31 UTC  

Ok yeah sure homo-kekis is the endgame of evolution all intelligent people know that.

2019-04-24 00:50:59 UTC  

Humans as a species separated from our common ancestor 3-5 million years ago.
wait what

2019-04-24 00:51:11 UTC  

neanderthals were under a mil

2019-04-24 00:51:25 UTC  

Neanderthals couldn't meme.

2019-04-24 00:51:32 UTC  

New theory.

2019-04-24 00:52:01 UTC  

100 years from now "progressives" will long be extinct and forgotten.

2019-04-24 00:52:20 UTC  

gonna need a lot of helicopters to make that happen

2019-04-24 00:52:26 UTC  

If I become dictator, I promise that will be the case

2019-04-24 00:53:01 UTC  

Yeah common ancestor. We're not descended from chimps. Chimps and humans have a common ancestor that is neither. Neanderthals were just another failed hominid offshoot. This kinda gets back to the ranged weapon thing if you look at the Mousterian toolsset.

2019-04-24 00:53:18 UTC  
