Message from @galesteppes

Discord ID: 570443712199655434

2019-04-24 02:55:55 UTC  

Allah rigged your game

2019-04-24 02:55:56 UTC  

@Amir i belief that's called gnostic

2019-04-24 02:56:00 UTC  

To meme on you

2019-04-24 02:56:18 UTC  

Pushed people to suicide and to avoid lifesaving medication

2019-04-24 02:56:23 UTC  

*But it was for a reason God has plans for you*

2019-04-24 02:56:26 UTC  


2019-04-24 02:56:26 UTC  

Soooo the currupt organized religious leaders failed

2019-04-24 02:56:36 UTC  

@Fitzydog where does the NAP stand on not bringing more mentally ill kids into the world?

2019-04-24 02:56:37 UTC  

The cult worked

2019-04-24 02:56:47 UTC  

It was a cult

2019-04-24 02:57:05 UTC  

**Am a GNOME**

2019-04-24 02:57:13 UTC  

you could argue the NAP dictates not bringing anyone into the world period

2019-04-24 02:57:14 UTC  

I have a big distrust of anything religious or even folky now

2019-04-24 02:58:12 UTC  

It was similar to the Jehovahs Witnesses

2019-04-24 02:58:22 UTC  

Most of them mean well but they just stupid

2019-04-24 02:58:32 UTC  

@EnderOctanus not gonna lie, hitler did nothing wrong when it comes to the JWs

2019-04-24 02:59:08 UTC  

Or just study on your own and worship without a structure like the church

2019-04-24 02:59:11 UTC  

@galesteppes Now you see why I just instinctively distrust everything I guess, at least.

2019-04-24 02:59:32 UTC  

Or just worship yourself

2019-04-24 02:59:36 UTC  


2019-04-24 02:59:39 UTC  

@Amir have you met a JW you cucknuk?

2019-04-24 03:00:03 UTC  

they're annoying, preachy assholes who'll tell you that you will go to hell if you don't convert

2019-04-24 03:00:09 UTC  

@EnderOctanus you can't deny though that "easter worshippers" as they're called, built up all of europe

2019-04-24 03:00:27 UTC  

They also abuse the shit out of the religious exemption from vaccines iirc

2019-04-24 03:00:37 UTC  

@Tero What do you mean

2019-04-24 03:00:43 UTC  

They're probably the ones going to hell then just for being annoying cunts lel

2019-04-24 03:01:15 UTC  

@Amir I **will not** administer first aid or call for help for a JW

2019-04-24 03:01:15 UTC  

you say you have a distrust of all the religious now

2019-04-24 03:01:16 UTC  

@galesteppes I see the importance of religion. In fact right now we're seeing the results of rampant hedonism without moral guidance.

2019-04-24 03:01:30 UTC  

but all of europe and etc. were built by quite religious men

2019-04-24 03:01:34 UTC  

I do

2019-04-24 03:02:05 UTC  

But there's also a problem of dogmatic absolutism.

2019-04-24 03:02:28 UTC  

I believe it would have been developed more quickly if most of the alchemists weren't executed.

2019-04-24 03:02:37 UTC  

isaac newton himself

2019-04-24 03:02:41 UTC  

was an alchemist

2019-04-24 03:02:41 UTC  

Big if true

2019-04-24 03:02:43 UTC  

and very religious

2019-04-24 03:02:50 UTC  

wanna exclude him?

2019-04-24 03:02:52 UTC  

Newton was legendary.

2019-04-24 03:02:59 UTC  

Their religion betrayed them.

2019-04-24 03:03:06 UTC  

At least the org