Message from @Capitán Alatriste
Discord ID: 599737223545487379
Political campasses
either way i'm a right lib
Prove it
Can't post there buddy
or post images
Well, from now until then you will be known as communist scum
People that unironically think that political tests say something about politics
post it on imgur and link it
I pmed it to the retard
They're a close enough metric
No they arent
an ancom and an anarcho egoist get similar results
When both ideologies are very different
It only gives a close enough metric on the liberal spectrum
They're both the same, with different dictionaries and more sophistry
anything outside of it, it breaks down
literally NPC mentality
Anarchy-egoism is a fucking meme dude.
Like anarcho monarchism
or anarcho fascism
That too lol
That is why you think it's a meme
you don't know what it is
Isn't anarcho egoism just being an incel?
My dictionary doesn't have anarcho in it yet lol
Well you don't use it so not like it matters
@galesteppes Ey buddy go sit over there im trying to talk to retard
I switched keyboards you dumb fuck lol
Imagine having no argument so you call people out on typos
Sure thing buddy
Anyways, it's still a fucking meme
Yay! We brought back SS roles
Good times
@Fitzydog What are your criticisms of egoist anarchism?
Stirner is a sophist who says very little with many words.
Rand is just a cunt overall.
Stirner and Rand are opposites