Message from @Fitzydog

Discord ID: 471501954124873748

2018-07-25 01:30:40 UTC  

I would prefer to settle it peacefully because violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

2018-07-25 01:31:20 UTC  

I think there is a way to solve this with minimal bloodshed mostly through economic and political sanctions

2018-07-25 01:31:55 UTC  

More or less starve the ideology, the server thing the west did with Communism in the Soviet Union

2018-07-25 01:47:32 UTC  

Bloodshed is the only language they understand.

2018-07-25 02:01:48 UTC  

but the other location has not be revealed by the NK govt when pressed

2018-07-25 02:02:13 UTC  

pulling teeth but i guess baby steps are better than none?

2018-07-25 02:02:42 UTC  

like seriously nk just need to stop being a d1ck they will be left alone

2018-07-25 02:03:29 UTC  

most ppl these days dont care about what's going in other countries unless it's the western oppression or palestines dying as a martyrs

2018-07-25 02:12:15 UTC  

Not all Muslims are radicals. The same way not all the people in the Soviet Union where commies. All the west needs to do is educate people. And they will rise up against there governments. Well educate and pressure them.

2018-07-25 02:17:00 UTC  

@Shurik That's a false equivalency. Islam is not a government preventing people from escaping.

A similar comparison would be "Communism vs Socialism". Yeah, one is 'nice' and 'liberal', *but it still leads to death in the end.*

2018-07-25 02:18:36 UTC  

It is an ideology that indorenates people into its ranks and punishes any dissenters with death. It is almost identical in my eyes to communism.

2018-07-25 02:18:39 UTC  

Islam is an all incompasing religion. It includes governmental powers. Though they used to have a system where a tax allowed free worship. That has been all bjt abandoned

2018-07-25 02:18:54 UTC  

Communism was the religion of the Soviet Union

2018-07-25 02:19:11 UTC  

this is true

2018-07-25 02:19:23 UTC  

There's no 'liberal' Islam. Just Muslims who aren't pushy about wanting to eventually conquer your homeland.

2018-07-25 02:19:25 UTC  

Though the soviet union did have religious people

2018-07-25 02:19:53 UTC  

Even Russian Orthodox survived the soviets

2018-07-25 02:19:56 UTC  

I know plenty of Muslims that are decent people

2018-07-25 02:20:18 UTC  

I think Islam needs to reform like Christianity did

2018-07-25 02:20:25 UTC  

Decent in public, and at home sure. You're still a second class citizen to them.

2018-07-25 02:20:28 UTC  

Most *decent* muslims are ex muslim or would be seen as apostates

2018-07-25 02:20:40 UTC  

not "true" muslims

2018-07-25 02:21:11 UTC  

Muslims who treat *kafir* nicely, are like Southern Baptists who treat gays nicely.

2018-07-25 02:21:13 UTC  

As well muslims are allowed to lie/cheat/steal from non muslims

2018-07-25 02:22:12 UTC  

Like I have as many qualms about islam as most of view but I view it in a different light. I think of Islam as a reskinned communism

2018-07-25 02:22:19 UTC  

Eh southern baptists evolved. It would be more like evangelicals who are ok with gays

2018-07-25 02:22:43 UTC  

And that somehow makes it better?

2018-07-25 02:22:50 UTC  

Either way: They may be nice to you, but they still 'pity' you

2018-07-25 02:23:22 UTC  

Islam as a teaching is more facist than communist however

2018-07-25 02:23:23 UTC  

and you bring it down the same way. Violence only forces them back into there ideological corner and they see violence as the only refuge, it dosen't help that there ideology supports violence

2018-07-25 02:23:41 UTC  

Their ideology was created by a warlord

2018-07-25 02:23:47 UTC  

off the basis of conquest

2018-07-25 02:24:07 UTC  

Non-violence only works with civilizations that value peace as a virtue

2018-07-25 02:24:13 UTC  


2018-07-25 02:24:16 UTC  

The very core beliefs are facist and violent

2018-07-25 02:24:23 UTC  

via cpnquest

2018-07-25 02:24:31 UTC  

The USSR didn't view peace as a virtue

2018-07-25 02:24:51 UTC  

we brought it down via economic pressure

2018-07-25 02:24:52 UTC  

@Shurik But the orthodox christianity that they were originally raised on did

2018-07-25 02:25:37 UTC  

The USSR brought itself down cause communism never works