Message from @Ondsinet

Discord ID: 635561297924063264

2019-10-20 19:18:43 UTC  

it normal for people that studies cockroaches to develop a allergy to them. so I do not feel safe regardless of what they are saying, it not like big corp have never lied to the consumers before

2019-10-20 19:26:29 UTC  


2019-10-20 19:26:40 UTC  

Cigarettes are good I swear!

2019-10-20 19:26:47 UTC  

Doctors prescribe them too!

Freshens my breath and cleans my lungs

2019-10-20 19:29:41 UTC

2019-10-20 19:30:00 UTC  

Honestly this is why I can't give too much shit to antivaxers

2019-10-20 19:30:23 UTC  

Magic water and crystals are cucu okay

2019-10-20 19:31:11 UTC  

But the people calling for laws so the state can force people to get vaccines or anything...

2019-10-20 19:31:18 UTC  


2019-10-20 19:31:38 UTC  

Except vaccines are a bit different to ciggarettes

2019-10-20 19:32:17 UTC  

If you want to see vaccines working, I always point to Japan and the Whooping Cough epidemic they had after laxing the requirements to get the vaccine

2019-10-20 19:32:24 UTC  

No dummy

2019-10-20 19:32:32 UTC  

I said it's not about the vaccines

2019-10-20 19:32:41 UTC  

I know they are safe now

2019-10-20 19:33:00 UTC  

What I don't want is the state being able to inject me with anything

2019-10-20 19:33:13 UTC  

Think of the future

2019-10-20 19:33:22 UTC  

Think of the past

2019-10-20 19:33:32 UTC  


2019-10-20 19:33:34 UTC  

They dont. But you should be banned from interaction in areas where you can threaten others health

2019-10-20 19:33:41 UTC  

I guess

2019-10-20 19:33:47 UTC  

There's people asking for it

2019-10-20 19:34:30 UTC  

Because there are people who cannot get the vaccines. Herd immunity is a real thing. And if enough people opt out in an will only break that down.

2019-10-20 19:34:57 UTC  

Yes I know that

2019-10-20 19:35:40 UTC  

I don't have anything about vaccines

2019-10-20 19:35:46 UTC  

The issue is one side wants forced vaccines

2019-10-20 19:36:01 UTC  

The other wants freedom to go anywhere without the vaccines

2019-10-20 19:36:17 UTC  

The middle ground is the option but banning from high threat areas.

2019-10-20 19:36:38 UTC  

And I'd even be more towards forcing vaccines

2019-10-20 19:36:52 UTC  

If I had a magic button to vaccinate everyone is press it

2019-10-20 19:36:55 UTC  

Most of the forced vaccine camp will accept the middle ground. The no vaccine camp wont.

2019-10-20 19:37:02 UTC  

What I'm worried about is state or doctors shilling

2019-10-20 19:38:19 UTC  

Or just being retarded

2019-10-20 19:40:17 UTC  

Basically, DDT 2.0

2019-10-20 19:42:09 UTC  

Well a lot has changed on many fronts since then.

2019-10-20 19:43:08 UTC  


2019-10-20 19:43:23 UTC  


2019-10-20 19:43:29 UTC

2019-10-20 19:48:12 UTC  

Im sure the science has advanced

2019-10-20 19:48:16 UTC  

But so has the corruption