Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 625479168993394709

2019-09-22 23:41:55 UTC  

you had traitor jews that was working with the nazis for different reasons

2019-09-22 23:42:11 UTC  

Well yes but

2019-09-22 23:42:19 UTC  

If the nazis wanted to exterminate the jews

2019-09-22 23:42:26 UTC  

Why would they let any Jews work for them?

2019-09-22 23:42:29 UTC  

Other than money

2019-09-22 23:42:48 UTC  

use one rat to find the rats nests

2019-09-22 23:43:04 UTC  


2019-09-22 23:44:47 UTC  

Makes sense

2019-09-22 23:45:03 UTC  

Do you even think the holocaust happened?

2019-09-22 23:45:28 UTC  

Cuz I read somewhere that there weren't even 6m jews in Germany at the time

2019-09-22 23:45:41 UTC  

So either it didn't happen or the number is massively off

2019-09-22 23:45:54 UTC  


2019-09-22 23:46:48 UTC  

well most of it did happen. the are to much records from different sources to say other wise and the 6 million jews are bullshit the actual numbers was around 12 million total and record keeping was shit and lot of it was lost

2019-09-22 23:48:05 UTC  

Even 6 million sounds like a very large percentage of the German population at the time

2019-09-22 23:48:27 UTC  

So would they have had to import them from elsewhere or something? xD

2019-09-22 23:48:30 UTC  

6million from all over europe

2019-09-22 23:48:49 UTC  

What if it was more like.... 2mil?

2019-09-22 23:49:02 UTC  
2019-09-22 23:50:39 UTC  

I could believe 2m

2019-09-22 23:50:54 UTC  

Maybe the 6m includes all the other groups

2019-09-22 23:51:11 UTC  

I think it was like

2019-09-22 23:51:17 UTC  

Gypsies and gays as well

2019-09-22 23:51:21 UTC  

Not just jews

2019-09-22 23:52:47 UTC  

you have to remember the camps was just not gas everyone. it was work people until they died as well. I say forced labor did kill most people

2019-09-22 23:54:42 UTC  

close to where I did grow a lot of Russian POW was worked to death by the nazis building and repairing roads for the war effort

2019-09-22 23:55:04 UTC  

wait, I thought you were joking

2019-09-22 23:55:15 UTC  

@Deleted User were you being serious?

2019-09-22 23:55:22 UTC  


2019-09-22 23:55:25 UTC  


2019-09-22 23:55:28 UTC  

*He's breaking the conditioning!!!*

2019-09-22 23:55:50 UTC  

Tbh just the fact that it's illegal in some countries to question the holocaust is a bit suspicious imo

2019-09-22 23:56:05 UTC  

that part is stupid yea

2019-09-22 23:56:09 UTC  

And don't give me that "spreading Nazi propaganda" bullshit

2019-09-22 23:56:16 UTC  

No ones gonna become a Nazi

2019-09-22 23:56:27 UTC  

6 million jews is the approximate number of all jews killed in the process of hte holocaust. These jews came from all over Europe where the Nazis had reach. It is estimated that in total 11 million people were killed through the holocaust

2019-09-22 23:56:42 UTC  

Most jews came from Russia, Poland and the Balkans

2019-09-22 23:56:50 UTC  

Though there was a sizeable population in Germany

2019-09-22 23:56:54 UTC  

idk, maybe if the Jews get to have an ethnostate while campaigning against other people's ethnostates, you might get Nazis

2019-09-22 23:57:17 UTC  


2019-09-22 23:57:26 UTC  

*One rule for Goy, one rule for me*