Message from @obrallaghan

Discord ID: 426679339766120449

2018-03-23 09:42:49 UTC  

should I dual boot linux on this totally chad usb drive?

2018-03-23 09:43:22 UTC  

This is why I have multiple copies btw

2018-03-23 09:43:34 UTC  

the fuck

2018-03-23 09:43:37 UTC  

But I haven't played this season

2018-03-23 09:43:45 UTC  

who do you play as

2018-03-23 09:45:25 UTC  

The first few seasons I played I played off tank (Zarya and Dva), after that I played support for a couple seasons (Zenyatta, Lucio, Ana) and after that when I most recently played I played Tracer, Widow, Pharah

2018-03-23 09:45:48 UTC  

Widow is always toxic

2018-03-23 09:45:55 UTC  

I played her when it was meta

2018-03-23 09:45:58 UTC  


2018-03-23 09:46:06 UTC  

...proceeds to throw game

2018-03-23 09:46:06 UTC  

Unless your popping

2018-03-23 09:46:41 UTC  

this last week I've seen three different dudes lose their shit over a hanzo main and throw the entire game

2018-03-23 09:47:35 UTC  

I usually only played her on things like kings row attack, anubis attack, lunar colony attack, Illios ruins

2018-03-23 09:47:48 UTC  

Sometimes try her out on Numbani attack

2018-03-23 09:48:01 UTC  

If I don't get a pick within 1min or so though I just run back and swap

2018-03-23 09:48:10 UTC  

that's fair

2018-03-23 09:50:00 UTC  

But yeah, I mainly played 1 different role for 2 seasons each over the time I played OW to try force myself to see what heroes fit me within each role, what I was naturally best at, etc

2018-03-23 09:50:34 UTC  

I randomly stopped playing mid-season thats why my season high dropped pretty far from my final sr

2018-03-23 09:50:53 UTC  

once you are over 3000sr you get decay if you don't play at least 7 games a week

2018-03-23 09:51:02 UTC  

What rank are you @obrallaghan

2018-03-23 09:51:21 UTC  

the highest I've been is gold

2018-03-23 09:51:40 UTC  

I can't imagine having the motivation to get up there and deal with those fucking people

2018-03-23 09:51:56 UTC  

I always play after a few beers

2018-03-23 09:52:13 UTC  

On one of my accounts I ranked into gold to climb though it, the things some people say is fucking retarded "OMG why are you playing widow on attack? She is a defense hero??"

2018-03-23 09:52:24 UTC  

or "Why do we have Genji and Tracer? We don't need 2 flankers!"

I was a CS and RtCW and Cod and Dod Pro. I reckon I could play OW backwards keyboard only


2018-03-23 09:52:58 UTC  

it's a different sort of game

2018-03-23 09:53:12 UTC  

it's an fps with moba elements

2018-03-23 09:53:20 UTC  

You'd be surprised, plenty of pros from other FPS games have tried to get into OW and failed. For some reason it is people who used to play LoL professionally or highly ranked who it seems to work out for more often.

oh I'd fail cus it's shite

2018-03-23 09:53:45 UTC  

Makes sense 🤔

I wouldn't enjoy it

2018-03-23 09:54:05 UTC  

I can't imagine taking it seriously, but I think as far as fucking around is concerned it's a hell of a game

2018-03-23 09:54:29 UTC  

the more heroes they add the more I like it because there is more diversity and counters to everything

2018-03-23 09:54:38 UTC  

we all love diversity don't we folks

2018-03-23 09:54:48 UTC  

I wanted to be good at it so I actually attempted to try and put effort in and learn theory of the game not just mechanical skills

2018-03-23 09:54:59 UTC  

interestingly the last two heroes they added to the game have been red headed white women

I think its the heroes that makes it unattractive.

If you look at Quake, CS, RtCW, Dod, Cod. they have classes but everyone has 100HP

2018-03-23 09:56:33 UTC  

ya but that is the point

2018-03-23 09:56:39 UTC  

you can't rely on any one person