Message from @radeon

Discord ID: 430559847210024971

2018-04-03 02:47:26 UTC  

should we implement that?

2018-04-03 02:47:38 UTC  

It'd be easy actually

2018-04-03 02:47:48 UTC  

Which is why land owners started off with the right to vote

2018-04-03 02:47:56 UTC  


2018-04-03 02:47:57 UTC  

Let's have you serve a islamic caliphate

2018-04-03 02:48:03 UTC  

that's some duty right there

2018-04-03 02:48:19 UTC  

It's all about 'Skin in the Game'

2018-04-03 02:49:07 UTC  

Why vote to protect social security

2018-04-03 02:49:17 UTC  

That's based on several assumptions, one is that all people who "serve" are doing so out of benevolence or patriotism, two that those people are better qualified than those who don't serve at making the right decisions, and three is that democracy is only for passing ideas that I agree with and not for providing a voice for *all* people

2018-04-03 02:49:20 UTC  

Because its all about being a leech off a system

2018-04-03 02:49:31 UTC  

What you are advocating for is textbook aristocracy

2018-04-03 02:49:35 UTC  

That will drive the US further into debt

2018-04-03 02:49:43 UTC  

I do actually think you hint at a good argument but the conlusion you have come to I disagree with.
you are supposing service (volunteer work was the example you gave) is more beneficial to the community than people engaging in markets.
Consider the fact that anyone who is employed is contributing to the function their society not to mention they are also taxed.

2018-04-03 02:49:54 UTC  

@radeon If they go through to trouble of service, then by all mean try and change the system. you have that right now

2018-04-03 02:50:06 UTC  

It is a voluntary system

2018-04-03 02:50:19 UTC  

And i wrote out how i would make the system above

2018-04-03 02:50:28 UTC  

or just make a authoritarian dictatorship

2018-04-03 02:50:31 UTC  

Again you're assuming everyone who doesn't serve is a leech and you're taking for granted that you'll be denying rights to people because they're doing something you disapprove of and not because of any objective wrongdoing

2018-04-03 02:50:34 UTC  

because muh service

2018-04-03 02:50:50 UTC  

So perfect system state level everyone votes, House of Representatives only tax payers in that district, senate appointed by the state govenors and confirmed by state congress, president only those who have served

2018-04-03 02:51:06 UTC  

That's so stupid

2018-04-03 02:51:12 UTC  

Remove birthright citizenship, and make the Oath of Allegiance voluntary upon the age of 18-21

2018-04-03 02:51:18 UTC  

That is not an argument

2018-04-03 02:51:28 UTC  

There is no reason why someone who hasn't "served" is unqualified

2018-04-03 02:51:41 UTC  

Because they have no skin in the game

2018-04-03 02:51:53 UTC  

Social security is a good example of this

2018-04-03 02:52:03 UTC  

Lmao nigga they are voting on issues that affect their day to day life

2018-04-03 02:52:09 UTC  

It is putting us further and further in debt

2018-04-03 02:52:24 UTC  

Let's discriminate against those who served

2018-04-03 02:52:25 UTC  

It is not a "reason" based good

2018-04-03 02:52:29 UTC  

@radeon In soem cases like California, they're doing the opposite

2018-04-03 02:53:04 UTC  

@Deleted User Why? They work their asses off, and suffer more consequences

2018-04-03 02:53:20 UTC  


2018-04-03 02:53:25 UTC  

young people on welfare is a very insignificant part of the deficit

2018-04-03 02:53:26 UTC  

too bad for them then

2018-04-03 02:53:33 UTC  

I can't believe I'm having to debate in favor of universal suffrage any it's 3 against 1, on *this* discord

2018-04-03 02:53:38 UTC  

they got their privledges

2018-04-03 02:53:39 UTC  

Any other sane folks online?

2018-04-03 02:53:39 UTC  

the largest proportion of welfare is spent on pensions

2018-04-03 02:53:54 UTC  

Universal sufferage belongs at the state level

2018-04-03 02:54:06 UTC  

Universal suffrage was advocated for by the socialist party in the 20s