Message from @Fitzydog

Discord ID: 430943070402641930

These things actually happen a lot in my land.

2018-04-04 04:09:54 UTC  

Well your land is still ran by savages, so...

In villages semi feudal men often can do that to one man

2018-04-04 04:10:01 UTC  

That's a great idea. We should all organize into a civil organization. Some people will be in charge of maintaining peace, they'll be trained into the use force, about laws, etc. We'll call them not-the-police.

2018-04-04 04:10:08 UTC  

Then the rest of the people can worry about other things in their life.

We are not talking about the west alone are we?

2018-04-04 04:10:33 UTC  

@DanielKO lol yeah, I was explaining how police force is delegated from the populace

I am totally with that but the government or an organization needs to regulate the militia

2018-04-04 04:11:30 UTC  

Through payment and make it their job.

The public through legislations and a perfectly working democratic system.

The public can regulate the regulators by deposing them through elections.

2018-04-04 04:12:22 UTC  

"perfectly working democratic system." gonna have to stop you right there bud...

@Deleted User It was meant to be sarcastic lol

2018-04-04 04:12:46 UTC  

And a plitician is supposed to stop a guy from creating a posse to take over people's property?

2018-04-04 04:13:07 UTC  

He already paid off 40 guys

2018-04-04 04:13:13 UTC  

he can pay off 40 cops

2018-04-04 04:13:33 UTC  

And your small posse is going to stop my even bigger posse?

very true but so can one militiaman

2018-04-04 04:13:48 UTC  


2018-04-04 04:13:54 UTC  

Everyone already has their own posse: It's called their community

The point of paying off a shit ton of people is very hard

Which is why an organization of such men is needed.

So such infiltrations are hard

Of course it can be possible but it is raising stakes

2018-04-04 04:15:12 UTC  

@ᚴᚬᚾᛁᚾᚴ ᚱᚢᚦᚴᚨᚱ (Hrothgar) YOu're advocating for an organzied volunteer militia to maintain a presence throughtout the area.

2018-04-04 04:15:24 UTC  

Yes, it's a good idea

It can either be controlled by a public institution which we call the government or it can be private as well as long as that private institution is trusted

People will have guns to protect themselves from such organized militia in case they feel their intervention is unjustified.

2018-04-04 04:16:51 UTC  

The US invented a thing called 'seperation of powers' that decentralizes power down to the smallest level

I love it.

2018-04-04 04:17:10 UTC  

@ᚴᚬᚾᛁᚾᚴ ᚱᚢᚦᚴᚨᚱ (Hrothgar) The people will BE the organized militia

Not all certainly

2018-04-04 04:17:30 UTC  

That's their *duty*

Other than being a militia there would be people who will not be militia and would prefer doing other jobs

It would be a volunteer militia

2018-04-04 04:18:05 UTC  

the US invented seperation of powers?

2018-04-04 04:18:10 UTC  

i thought it was the French

So only the willing shall join.

2018-04-04 04:18:19 UTC  

The french fucked it up lol

2018-04-04 04:18:32 UTC