Message from @M4Gunner

Discord ID: 439400600367792148

2018-04-27 12:17:52 UTC  

Some people are just assholes.

2018-04-27 12:18:28 UTC  

I often think about America's stalled entry into world war two.

2018-04-27 12:18:36 UTC  

Could we have gotten involved sooner and stopped Hitler

2018-04-27 12:18:55 UTC  

Would we have been effective at keeping Hitler from taking France

2018-04-27 12:19:05 UTC  

It's not like we didn't know what he was up to in the early thirties.

2018-04-27 12:19:10 UTC  

Best way to deal with harsh conditions:
Taoism(the philosophy, not the religious mumbo jumbo)

2018-04-27 12:19:19 UTC  

I havent met almost any veteran that wasnt deeply troubled by what they had to do.

2018-04-27 12:19:23 UTC  

Nothing is right and nothing is wrong

2018-04-27 12:19:24 UTC  

I take most eastern "religions" as philsophy

2018-04-27 12:19:30 UTC  

Things just are

2018-04-27 12:19:40 UTC  

Neither good nor bad, it's all about perception

2018-04-27 12:19:54 UTC  

To me having a folder full of regular nintendo games I can play at anytime, that means something to me

2018-04-27 12:19:57 UTC  

im not into the tao

2018-04-27 12:20:01 UTC  

to some other guys, that's boring and lame

2018-04-27 12:20:07 UTC  

Perceptions are illutions

2018-04-27 12:20:18 UTC  

Everything is an illusion.

2018-04-27 12:20:27 UTC  

And everything is a negotiation.

2018-04-27 12:20:46 UTC  

I'd beg to differ

2018-04-27 12:20:52 UTC  

Everything just is

2018-04-27 12:21:06 UTC  

I hate philosophy

2018-04-27 12:21:25 UTC  

Why tho?

2018-04-27 12:21:46 UTC  

It's when people stop discussing what is real and begin to masturbate their intellects πŸ˜„

2018-04-27 12:22:15 UTC  

What is real then?

2018-04-27 12:22:19 UTC  


2018-04-27 12:22:22 UTC  

People seem to have a point and then they float off into neverland

2018-04-27 12:22:37 UTC  

Please tell me about this realness

2018-04-27 12:23:52 UTC  

you dont have the categorization skills to handle reality. You want things to just 'be', and everything to fit into a group of things which 'are'

I'm still in running battles over this anti-Trump March in London

2018-04-27 12:24:39 UTC  

things are complicated, i dont like philosphers trying to oversimplify everything

2018-04-27 12:25:06 UTC  

Or perhaps it is who are trying to over complicate things?

2018-04-27 12:25:26 UTC  

For what is a catagorisation but a illution?

2018-04-27 12:25:30 UTC  

I can take a hit of acid and get spacey on occasion, but for day to day stuff we need to stop having so many dreamers on the mic

2018-04-27 12:25:34 UTC  

What is a chair?

2018-04-27 12:25:42 UTC  

``For what is a catagorisation but a illution?``

2018-04-27 12:25:52 UTC  

How much of a chair can you cut away before it is objectivly not a chair?

2018-04-27 12:26:05 UTC  

im not going to explain to you the difference between a chair and an abstract concept

2018-04-27 12:26:10 UTC  

Or are all catagorisations subjective?

2018-04-27 12:26:31 UTC  

I am using the chair to explain the concept

2018-04-27 12:27:00 UTC  

no, not all categorizations are meant to be subjective and why would you think so? Categorization works best when used *rigidly*

2018-04-27 12:27:26 UTC  

Are catagorisations a part of the universe?