Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 443660308863516672
@A Random Crusader the best thing about the purple quadrant is recreational nukes
For some reason the 8 values always says I'm some sort of Authoritarian Capitalist
The bias is so strong
post it
It gives me this
that's horse shit
m8 we only differ on the civil axis
if you centrist or liberal on the civil axis, it would peg you as a neolib instead
Yeah it's really weird
The compass constantly flips between Fascist and Ancap for me so I don't even bother trusting that
Also that's not bad at all
A little too much freedom for my taste though
I need me some right wing death squads
@radeon @Deleted User
The comment section is a salt mine
Is it as glorious as the Alt Right debunking video Sargon did?
Ok it definitely is
What's funny is that Richard spencer doesn't qualify as white by the Alt Rights own standards
He's a good chunk Sub Saharan African
that why we have this juicy quote
```Listen. The white race is the best. Look at what we accomplished. And I say "we", because even tho I am a basement dweller working a dead end job, I do share the same amount of melanin as einstein and michealangelo. Which means that I can take credit for their accomplishment without actually having to do anything myself. That is why I am a race realist. Because it allows me to appropriate other's achievement.
That's gold
aye, that it is
There are differences between races statistically however most of that is culturally related.
It's not a matter of suddenly you're a god because you're white
tell that to the salt right
To be honest it's really sad if the thing you're most proud of is being born white, shows how little they've accomplished.
theres also the fact that even if everything they said were true there is no liberal argument for acting upon any of it
you can't treat individuals differently based on a group trend
You can profile but you cannot make blanket statements
You can infer based upon statistics but nothing concrete can be said
and its a very minor trend at that, the real difference in IQ is less than 10 points, and the gap gradually closes when you reach higher income levels
Again, tell that the aren’t white
you can't make any judgement of any individual black person based on an average
Well the average IQ in someplace like Somalia is borderline retarded when compared to the western world, does that make blacks inferior? No, it means that Somalia is a shithole that needs reform.
The notion of this is not real white identity politics struck me
Because this will become totalitarian regime If you want to enforce your ideology