Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 450744637339205642
god no
Durtle, sorry for pining you
Oi, you got a permit for that fork, bloke?
oi, forks are offensive
stop opressing me!!!
Is that *Cultural Appropriation* i see?
i just want to troll some snowflakes
Give me the role
which one?
How about you type more
@M4Gunner he can’t
@M4Gunner I can't
He has to be Pepe’s people
ping the server manager or call fireweaver a cock sucker.
Look on
He has to be Pepe to see the safe space.
i am very close
So, you can spam messages til you are pepe, or you can call fireweaver a cock sucker.
Krimskrams is asking for the boot again I see
I would prefer the later, but it is your choice.
fireweaver is a cock sucker
I agree
Fireweaver is a low IQ goy
What video is that from?
We should form an union against fireweaver.
I can start a petition to ban him
We are for FREE SPEECH.
We Will be called the band of autists
It went very well
Because you guys are autists