Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 451929246802116608
You dug your grave, time to lay down in it
Hmm oh well
So umm, sorry to derail the discussion
But I had an idea for my batman sketch
To improve it
Derail away
I wanna draw a bunch of joker cards falling
I'm in class and we are talking about "groups fighting for rights" pls help
Dunanunanunanunanunanunanunanuna batman
And use that as the background for batman
Maybe with drops of blood
I wonder if I should pinge Ian
Im gonna pinge Ian
Maybe, maybe not
Do it
Your forced my hand
why would you need to see protesters?
in a progtard city
Portard oregon
So will the talk be streamed or no?
I'm going to need to drink for this
Wish they'd let us sit already. Only 15m til go time
Oy vey
I found a few ethnic kekistani here too. That's heartening
And Jarbo is right over there.
As in mundane Matt?
I'm near the front. Entering now
@M4Gunner that’s a really nice pic earlier matt
Boeing nose gear ?
I'm some sweaty fatass in the...6th row?