Message from @MountainMan

Discord ID: 457911969522122753

2018-06-17 14:15:20 UTC  

:} RIP kitchen staff

2018-06-17 14:15:23 UTC  

only open to muslims

2018-06-17 14:15:30 UTC  

We even have a special Halal menu today

2018-06-17 14:15:33 UTC  

cheaper than the regular food

2018-06-17 14:15:39 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:15:56 UTC  

only celebrating eid for muslims is gay af. we get invited to christmas celebrations all the time.

2018-06-17 14:16:34 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:16:42 UTC  

whcachu mean we? 'm confus

2018-06-17 14:16:51 UTC  

I'm muslim fam.

2018-06-17 14:17:23 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:17:23 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:17:39 UTC  

Your profile pic lacks the huge beard and turban so I couldn't tell on sight

2018-06-17 14:17:42 UTC  

then again that could also be sikh

2018-06-17 14:17:53 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:17:56 UTC  

Is it sikh who require the beard?

2018-06-17 14:17:59 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:18:07 UTC  

Muslims don't have beard nor the turban.

2018-06-17 14:18:10 UTC  

I think the 5 Ks of Sikh culture are kinda neat, TBH

2018-06-17 14:18:21 UTC  

Never met a sikh person.

2018-06-17 14:18:29 UTC  

Not a lot of them where I live.

2018-06-17 14:18:41 UTC  

All I know is that they're pretty neat people.

2018-06-17 14:18:44 UTC  

the bracelet, the special undies (So you're never caught in a fight naked), a fucking ritual dagger you keep on you at all times, turban, long hair, and special comb

2018-06-17 14:18:51 UTC  

well it's not a ritual dagger

2018-06-17 14:18:59 UTC  

it's a small knife literally reserved for doing heroics

2018-06-17 14:19:06 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:19:14 UTC  

Are you from canada btw?

2018-06-17 14:19:31 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:19:46 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:20:39 UTC  

Wait, alt righters are responsible for thr dude trying to kill himself?

2018-06-17 14:20:59 UTC  

@Fulcrum010 They sure werent SJW-s or muslims

2018-06-17 14:21:13 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:21:15 UTC  

Look at the archive video I posted

2018-06-17 14:21:26 UTC  

And the twitter of one of the instigators

2018-06-17 14:22:00 UTC  

1) The **Kesh**, or uncut, long hair, is considered by Sikhs as an indispensable part of the human body. Long known as a sign of spiritual devotion, it also emulates the appearance of Guru Gobind Singh and is one of the primary signs by which a Sikh can be clearly and quickly identified.

2) A **Kangha** is a small wooden comb that Sikhs use twice a day. It is supposed to be worn only in the hair and at all times. Combs help to clean and remove tangles from the hair, and is a symbol of cleanliness. Combing their hair reminds Sikhs that their lives should be tidy and organized.

3) The Sikhs were commanded by Guru Gobind Singh at the Baisakhi Amrit Sanchar in 1699 to wear an iron bracelet called a **Kara** at all times. The Kara is a constant reminder to always remember that whatever a person does with their hands has to be in keeping with the advice given by the Guru.

4) Originally, the **Kachmemeosera** was made part of the five Ks as a symbol of a Sikh soldier's willingness to be ready at a moment's notice for battle or for defence. The confirmed Sikh (one who has taken the Amrit) wears a **Kachera** every day. Some go to the extent of wearing a Kacheraye while bathing, to be ready to at a moment's notice, changing into the new one a single leg at a time, so as to have no moment where they are unprepared.

5) The **Kirpan** is a dagger which symbolizes a Sikh's duty to come to the defence of those in peril. All Sikhs should wear kirpan on their body at all times as a defensive side-arm, just as a police officer is expected to wear a side-arm when on duty. Its use is only allowed in the act of self-defense and the protection of others. It stands for bravery and protecting the weak and innocent.

2018-06-17 14:22:07 UTC  

There we go, the 5 Ks of sikh people

2018-06-17 14:22:13 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:22:32 UTC  

the kirpan's my favourite. Honestly, if I could choose a non-eurocentric origin to be reborn into, sikh seems to be a respectable group

2018-06-17 14:22:40 UTC  


2018-06-17 14:22:53 UTC  

Seems like a nice group of people too from what I have heard.

2018-06-17 14:22:56 UTC  

Americans, right?

2018-06-17 14:23:08 UTC  
