Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 461601061879152650
We shouldn't annex Mexico
We should just balkanize the fuck out of them
Make them too busy with eachother
I love that idea
How can Sargon be friends with Dank when Dank is a nazi 😦
and he joined the nazi party
"nazi party"
Buddha is a nazi
not dank
That's a meme
ukip is alt right
they BOTH joined UKIP XD
Yeah bud
Sargon is in UKIP too
Sorry to let you down
and it's really not
which means Sargon is a nazi
"UKIP is alt right"
That's a weird way to spell nationalist
Count Nazi
fuck me you just can't see past your own nose can you ben
Alright guys let's have a vote
look at dem balls
Is Poe's Law applicable?
Can I buy eye bleach?
Especially when Dank claimed "It was only to be seen by his girlfriend", yet addresses a third party in the video, proving it evidently wasn't "just for her".
Sargon is literally Hitler
@24 hour Ben gods you are retarded aren't you?
Shouting "Gas the Jews" repeatedly as a joke is very clearly using Jewish people and The Holocaust as the butt of the joke.
Which makes him a nazi
good one
he never shouted it XD