Message from @NightOwl
Discord ID: 464002725198430210
Ew cucks
Ew a swede
They’re the country of cucks
@Deleted User <:feels_crying:382980732835856394>
😖 😪 <:feels_crying:382980732835856394>
Britain is becoming that
britain is more cucked than sweden
The politican landscape is toxic
i mainly blame the media
Left wing media in Britain is worse than America
the left media is polarising people
Left wing media is gay everywhere
and then they blame the right for it
It's a tactic the left uses though
just like they hype up racism, they report on the smallest things
and make a big deal out of it
a lot of it is fake news too
leftists here call a pretty centrist party alt-right
there were fake articles during the brexit referendum
Leftists always use words to silence people
this is why there was a general sentiment that f you vote brexit then you are racist
mfw when I get called an islamophobe
It's very rational to fear Islam
or any other religion for that matter
especially when it seeks to impose itself
nigg I’m a sufi. thats why I thought it was even more gay to be called an islamophobe.
I feel the same way with christianity to an extent
But ageeed
Jesus told you to turn the other cheek, FEAR THAT.
let me touch your cheeks uwu
religion is open to interpretations though
sufism > any other form of islam. fight me.
If you say they're all the same, then you know nothing about any religion.
imagine being called intolerant because you're a secularist
this is where we are right now.
Coincidentally, on the "islamophobe" thing, I just finished watching