Message from @Kerr Avon

Discord ID: 464581153257553931

2018-07-05 23:52:28 UTC  

Crowd-funded smart contracts to put out an anonymous bounty to pop the balloon

2018-07-05 23:53:17 UTC  

It depends on what you were trying to explain haha you just said you couldnt explain something

2018-07-05 23:53:33 UTC  

What were you trying to explain

2018-07-05 23:54:28 UTC  

I tried to explain that the word transition have a meaning conected to hormone therapy and not just anything someone that is trans do. And there for cant be used for every and anything they feel like

2018-07-05 23:56:09 UTC  

Aka words have meaning. And the closest respone i got were meanings change. Then the person started talking about me not accepting trans people and such

2018-07-05 23:56:10 UTC  

Thats more semantics than anything I wouldnt say that person was stupid just off that cos semantics like that can be interpreted in anyway

2018-07-05 23:56:53 UTC  

Words do have meaning but tbh who really gives a shit really need to pick our battles

2018-07-05 23:57:04 UTC  

Don't pick battles with post-modernists

I'm wearing a dress, now I get to go into the forbiden room. The Ladies Toilet

2018-07-05 23:57:10 UTC  

It were 1 am its a perfect battle to pick

2018-07-05 23:57:33 UTC  

The ladies aint all that cracked up trust me

I have been in the Ladies many times

2018-07-05 23:58:04 UTC  

Bing bing

2018-07-05 23:58:18 UTC  

I accidently went to the ladies when I was drunk

2018-07-05 23:58:32 UTC  

Didn't realise until a woman came in

2018-07-05 23:58:34 UTC  

I've been in the Ladies room several times as well. Their drains are the worst to unclog...

2018-07-05 23:58:45 UTC  

I can understand that

2018-07-05 23:59:02 UTC  

I clean my own shower and im the only one with long hair in this house

2018-07-05 23:59:20 UTC  

FYI, tampons are NOT flushable.

2018-07-05 23:59:27 UTC  

Im aware

2018-07-05 23:59:38 UTC  

But you shouldnt be fighting over semantocs cos thats the debate equivalent of rolling round in the dirt

2018-07-05 23:59:49 UTC  

I was not aware of that

2018-07-06 00:00:19 UTC  

Hey im a adult and i roll around in the dirt in the middle of the night if i want to... but if something goes wrong its everyone elses fault

2018-07-06 00:00:41 UTC  

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2018-07-06 00:00:49 UTC  

All Im saying is that nobody wins in a semantic argument

2018-07-06 00:01:19 UTC  

Nobody gets anywhere and everyone comes away hating eachother

2018-07-06 00:01:41 UTC  

Tho id call it more a definition argument because isent semantics when both people understand the definition but calls it differently?

2018-07-06 00:02:29 UTC  

Are you trying to turn this into a fucking semantic argument?

2018-07-06 00:02:46 UTC  

Nope just asked because i legitamitly am not sure

2018-07-06 00:03:06 UTC  

It would be fun tho? Come roll in the dirt with me?

2018-07-06 00:03:37 UTC  

Nah what you were arguing about was semantics and in the end doesnt mean anything haha

2018-07-06 00:03:58 UTC  

Okay then

2018-07-06 00:04:01 UTC  

I'm good thx sort of just want to go to sleep its 1am

2018-07-06 00:04:57 UTC  

Yea should do the same tho its 2 am here. So heads up in about 30 minutes the world will end. Just a friendly message from the future :p

2018-07-06 00:05:53 UTC  

Perfect time to go to have a nap haha

2018-07-06 00:06:08 UTC  

Yea good night

2018-07-06 00:06:21 UTC  

Im gonna go to sleep now

Cool story Bruh

2018-07-06 00:19:02 UTC  

I'm glad I read back to get the context of the discussion between @Kerr Avon and @Melissa . It was good. XD

Cool story Bruh

2018-07-06 00:35:57 UTC