Message from @PurpleFyrus

Discord ID: 465280495324889097

2018-07-07 22:16:43 UTC  


2018-07-07 22:16:48 UTC  

i used to have a horrible temper

2018-07-07 22:16:54 UTC  

doctor said i might have aspies

2018-07-07 22:16:56 UTC  

I had a student at scout camp with Aspergers. Smart kid, but not well sociable. I doubt he'd ever be able to use social media.

2018-07-07 22:16:57 UTC  

then i grew the fuck up

2018-07-07 22:17:19 UTC  


2018-07-07 22:17:23 UTC  


2018-07-07 22:17:23 UTC  

I have symptoms of aspergers. Hate socializing, hate loud noises and bright lights. Don’t like looking into people’s eyes.

2018-07-07 22:17:28 UTC  

my favorite band teacher got canned because of a kid with ass burgers

2018-07-07 22:17:32 UTC  

Go exercise then

2018-07-07 22:17:38 UTC  

I do

2018-07-07 22:17:38 UTC  

all because the teacher just pull aside a chair and the kid tried to sit in it

2018-07-07 22:17:53 UTC  

nobody likes looking into other peoples eyes

2018-07-07 22:17:54 UTC  

you twink

2018-07-07 22:17:58 UTC  

but we do it

2018-07-07 22:18:02 UTC  

cuz we grow the fuck up

2018-07-07 22:18:06 UTC  

By that logic, I have autism.

2018-07-07 22:18:09 UTC  


2018-07-07 22:18:23 UTC  

we need to reserve that term for actuall people

2018-07-07 22:18:28 UTC  

who have disorders

2018-07-07 22:18:34 UTC  

like the kids in "special" class

2018-07-07 22:18:37 UTC  

with down syndrome

2018-07-07 22:18:44 UTC  

those are the REAL people with mental disorders

2018-07-07 22:18:56 UTC  

i was always nice to the kids with downs

2018-07-07 22:19:15 UTC  

one time one actually grabbed my hand and wanted to walk with me for an entire lap

2018-07-07 22:19:19 UTC  

around a football field

2018-07-07 22:19:35 UTC  

i did it cuz he was kind, but then everyone is LIKE HAHA!!! LOOK AT THE RETARD

2018-07-07 22:19:37 UTC  

yeah it was

2018-07-07 22:19:45 UTC  

but still, the kid had no friends

2018-07-07 22:19:51 UTC  

Im going to get a shirt that says tourretes on, just so i can call people slurs

2018-07-07 22:19:52 UTC  

must have sucked to be actually retarded

2018-07-07 22:19:59 UTC  


2018-07-07 22:20:06 UTC  

only 10% of people with TS have that

2018-07-07 22:20:09 UTC  

form of echolalia

2018-07-07 22:20:30 UTC  

i actually have a minor tic syndrome, and do weird muscle spasms unconsciously

2018-07-07 22:20:31 UTC  

I use tourette's as a cover for my stutter. If anyone talks shit about it, I curse them out, call them a fucktard, etc

2018-07-07 22:20:34 UTC  

but i dont go around preaching it

2018-07-07 22:20:37 UTC  

cuz why would you!

2018-07-07 22:20:58 UTC  


2018-07-07 22:21:11 UTC  

everyone once in a while you get folks who dont, and even then, they may be a psychopath

2018-07-07 22:21:37 UTC  

I have add they say, but i think im just stupid