Message from @VexenX

Discord ID: 466661766634405888

2018-07-11 17:44:25 UTC  

Nothing like people who project their own bs onto others in hopes they will drink the koolaid they are offering.

2018-07-11 17:44:31 UTC  

@M4Gunner side-effect of ban

2018-07-11 17:44:36 UTC  


2018-07-11 17:44:46 UTC  

It's like they never were at all...

2018-07-11 17:44:51 UTC  

*cold wind blows*

2018-07-11 17:45:12 UTC  

I guess that would be the implication.

2018-07-11 17:45:17 UTC  

in the last 24hrs

2018-07-11 17:45:21 UTC  
2018-07-11 17:45:21 UTC  


2018-07-11 17:45:23 UTC  


2018-07-11 17:45:27 UTC  

by default

2018-07-11 17:45:33 UTC  

That means we still have memories.

2018-07-11 17:46:04 UTC  

So, speaking of raids, when is an actual one going to happen here? I wanna be here to have fun with the crazies.

2018-07-11 17:46:29 UTC  

Is D&D today?

2018-07-11 17:46:43 UTC  

may we incite raids to here from other places?

2018-07-11 17:46:48 UTC  

Prolly not XD

2018-07-11 17:46:51 UTC  


2018-07-11 17:47:03 UTC  

I mean, I guess you could

2018-07-11 17:47:10 UTC  

But I'm sure it would be frowned upon.

2018-07-11 17:47:13 UTC  

I reckon the army here will defend and great lulz will ensue

2018-07-11 17:47:15 UTC  

More work for the mods

2018-07-11 17:47:25 UTC  

I mean, I see the potential for lulz too

2018-07-11 17:47:27 UTC  

No one has to know who did it

2018-07-11 17:47:47 UTC  

@DBD Turtle should be unless sargoy cancels

2018-07-11 17:48:10 UTC  

I couldn't even if I tried

2018-07-11 17:48:18 UTC  

I only chill with coders and gamers

2018-07-11 17:48:27 UTC  

and they don't like sjw's anyway

2018-07-11 17:48:28 UTC  

I could, but as much as I enjoy the chaos, it isn't my thing to create it.

2018-07-11 17:48:34 UTC  

It has to be natural, you know?

2018-07-11 17:48:42 UTC  

@Deleted User recommended

2018-07-11 17:49:07 UTC  

@Deleted User in the earlier streams, sargon bitches on why they aren't playing 3.5 n shieet

2018-07-11 17:49:16 UTC  

and how he doesn't know the 5e rules

2018-07-11 17:49:29 UTC  

Thx Galm.

2018-07-11 17:49:35 UTC  

@Deleted User I usually have them on as an audiobook at work

2018-07-11 17:49:52 UTC  

the later ones have

2018-07-11 17:50:01 UTC  

it's played on roll 20

2018-07-11 17:50:10 UTC  

Goddamn Russians making good people leave the Democratic Party.

2018-07-11 17:50:24 UTC  

Are they?

2018-07-11 17:50:29 UTC  

What is this world coming too?

2018-07-11 17:50:29 UTC  

Didn't hear.

2018-07-11 17:50:59 UTC  
