Message from @radeon

Discord ID: 472592138195042304

2018-07-28 01:54:56 UTC  

Apparently No Man's Sky has gotten a lot better recently

2018-07-28 01:55:54 UTC  


2018-07-28 01:56:10 UTC  

All of it heresy

2018-07-28 01:56:56 UTC  

Exterminautus imminent

2018-07-28 02:13:35 UTC  

why do alt dykes commit appeal to nature fallacy so fucking much?

2018-07-28 02:14:03 UTC  

there are so many ways to tear apart this argument you can't really decide where to start

2018-07-28 02:15:03 UTC  

for starters, "anything that isn't explicitly reproduction is *unnatural*" sent from my computer in my house in the city, none of which is natural in any way

2018-07-28 02:15:31 UTC  

things being "natural" only apply to sexuality it seems

2018-07-28 02:19:49 UTC  

He's not wrong.

2018-07-28 02:19:59 UTC  


2018-07-28 02:20:36 UTC  

>"anything that isn't explicitly reproduction is unnatural"

*Everything* you do, is related to reproduction in some way.

2018-07-28 02:21:06 UTC  

for starters the medical community is in unanimous agreement that homosexuality is not a mental disorder and that homosexuals are mentally no different from heterosexuals except for sexual preference

2018-07-28 02:21:21 UTC  

gays are no more unnatural than left handed people

2018-07-28 02:21:50 UTC  

So? The 'medical community' also says being transgender or gender dysphoric is no longer a mental illness as well. Obviously, their bias is getting in the way of reality.

2018-07-28 02:22:29 UTC  

they're a minority but there is no reason to believe being gay is a defect based simply on how prevalent it is, if homosexuality was detremental to homosexuals it would have been a dropped evolutionary trait long ago, why then is it not only prevalent but also common in dozens of other mammals?

2018-07-28 02:23:22 UTC  

Look, I don't have a problem with gay people. But to *pretend* it's 'normal' and 'natural' is disingenuous.

It's not. It is *abnormal*. That doesn't mean it's *bad*, just *different*.

2018-07-28 02:23:48 UTC  

could it instead perhaps be the case that we don't fully understand the role homosexuality plays in social organisms?

2018-07-28 02:24:41 UTC  

it is not abnormal either statistically or medically, and frankly I don't like how you think im "pretending"

2018-07-28 02:27:51 UTC  

I am saying it is abnormal biologically. It's a dead end. So is Down's syndrome, but you wouldn't call THAT a 'feature' of humanity, would you? (I'm NOT equating the two.)
Isn't there strong evidence that homosexuality is a reactionary behavior to adverse childhoods in SOME people?

2018-07-28 02:31:48 UTC  


2018-07-28 02:32:26 UTC  

The American Academy of Pediatrics stated in Pediatrics in 2004:

“ There is no scientific evidence that abnormal parenting, sexual abuse, or other adverse life events influence sexual orientation. Current knowledge suggests that sexual orientation is usually established during early childhood.[3][164]

2018-07-28 02:32:32 UTC  

The American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, and National Association of Social Workers stated in 2006:

“ Currently, there is no scientific consensus about the specific factors that cause an individual to become heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual—including possible biological, psychological, or social effects of the parents' sexual orientation. However, the available evidence indicates that the vast majority of lesbian and gay adults were raised by heterosexual parents and the vast majority of children raised by lesbian and gay parents eventually grow up to be heterosexual.[1]

2018-07-28 02:32:49 UTC  


2018-07-28 02:33:43 UTC  

I swear to god, the APA is dead to me as long as 'Gender dysphoria' is left off the list.

2018-07-28 02:34:33 UTC  

"Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (i.e., sexual minority) individuals may experience disproportionately higher prevalence of adverse childhood experiences."

2018-07-28 02:35:16 UTC  

that doesn't mean adverse childhood experiences cause homosexuality

2018-07-28 02:35:37 UTC  

It kinda looks like a contributor

2018-07-28 02:35:51 UTC  

you don't really know how to interpret data, do you?

2018-07-28 02:36:03 UTC  

you are assuming a causation based on a correlation

2018-07-28 02:36:24 UTC  

nothing about that statement suggests adverse childhood experiences cause homosexuality

2018-07-28 02:36:49 UTC  

its entirely possible homosexuals have more adverse childhood experiences as a result of being bullied for being gay

2018-07-28 02:37:02 UTC  

did you ever consider that?

2018-07-28 02:37:08 UTC  

From their parents?

2018-07-28 02:37:28 UTC  

what do their parents have to do with it?

2018-07-28 02:37:39 UTC  

... that's what the study is about

2018-07-28 02:38:29 UTC  

and yes, many many times parents will reject gay children, one of the great things about living in a country filled with religious people who have been taught homosexuals are on the same level as child molesters

2018-07-28 02:38:41 UTC  

the medical community removed the dmental condition tied to trans. It isnt a minority it is not medical fact. And before homosexuality was om the fetish list
It wasnt seen as a mental issue but a fetish.

2018-07-28 02:38:56 UTC  

That was also removed

2018-07-28 02:39:04 UTC  

because its not true

2018-07-28 02:39:07 UTC  
