Message from @Goblin_Slayer_Floki

Discord ID: 472600703089770496

2018-07-28 03:02:27 UTC  

@Goblin_Slayer_Floki do you have an intellectual bone in your body? can you say anything coherent? "It is a chimical that changes the bodies chemisty"(sic), who do you think you're fooling? you have no idea what you're talking about.

2018-07-28 03:02:53 UTC  

Tell me. Is THC natural in the human body? Nope
Fuck off

2018-07-28 03:02:57 UTC  

Substantial evidence from animal research and a growing number of studies in humans indicate that marijuana exposure during development can cause long-term or possibly permanent adverse changes in the brain. Rats exposed to THC before birth, soon after birth, or during adolescence show notable problems with specific learning and memory tasks later in life.32–34 Cognitive impairments in adult rats exposed to THC during adolescence are associated with structural and functional changes in the hippocampus.35–37 Studies in rats also show that adolescent exposure to THC is associated with an altered reward system, increasing the likelihood that an animal will self-administer other drugs (e.g., heroin) when given an opportunity (see "Is marijuana a gateway drug?").

2018-07-28 03:02:58 UTC  

@radeon He regularly spouts dumb shit about drugs in general

2018-07-28 03:03:01 UTC  

it actually literally is

2018-07-28 03:03:26 UTC  

your body produces low levels of cannabinoids as part of the endocannabinoid system

2018-07-28 03:03:45 UTC  

Adding a chemical, causes a feeling. It gets a positive response [additional dopamome by proxy not directly] Addiction is formed with cravings

2018-07-28 03:03:55 UTC  

Bullshit it does

2018-07-28 03:03:59 UTC  

THC reacts with these receptors which are responsible for affecting appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory

2018-07-28 03:04:07 UTC  

Your body makes more natural nicotine than that bs

2018-07-28 03:04:18 UTC  


2018-07-28 03:04:23 UTC  

literal retard

2018-07-28 03:04:34 UTC  

Hmm doesnt change the chemesty of the brain

2018-07-28 03:04:42 UTC  

fucking idjut debunked himself

2018-07-28 03:04:52 UTC  

yea i'm just blocking you now, bye

2018-07-28 03:05:03 UTC  

Idjuts block

2018-07-28 03:05:07 UTC  

waste of time

2018-07-28 03:05:27 UTC  

When they are losing an argument and debunk themselves

2018-07-28 03:05:43 UTC  

Do you think THC does not affect dopamine?

2018-07-28 03:06:28 UTC  

"It has no effect on the brains chemestry" Immediately says, "effects mood" Fucking moron. Anything that raises the mood has a direct or indirect effect on dopamine and seratonin

2018-07-28 03:06:43 UTC  

it doesnt directly affect your dopamine, no

2018-07-28 03:06:57 UTC  

it doesn't act on dopamine recepters like opiates do

2018-07-28 03:07:16 UTC  

But it raises mood in turn raising dopamine fucking moron pothead

2018-07-28 03:07:23 UTC  

if you actually took time to research any of this before you started spurting off baseless claims faster than I could read...

2018-07-28 03:07:29 UTC  

This is why you dont smoke weed kids

2018-07-28 03:07:36 UTC  

stunts your mental capabilities

2018-07-28 03:07:51 UTC  

But even pro weed blogs are agreeing with the dopamine claim

2018-07-28 03:09:08 UTC  

And hes silent. Fucking moron. Dont smoke weed kids

2018-07-28 03:09:48 UTC  

There is now a substantial body of evidence in animals showing that THC exerts effects on the dopamine system. The key challenges for the field must be to understand the complexity of these effects, how these translate to humans and relate to the potential negative effects of the drug in humans (Box 2). Animal studies demonstrate that acute administration of THC causes region-specific increases in dopamine release and nerve activity and we must understand the functional significance of this. The available preclinical evidence suggests that chronic THC administration causes long-term changes on the dopamine system, but a general limitation of these models is that they do not reflect typical patterns of human use. Thus future studies should be of longer duration to reflect human use. This should also include co-administration with other drugs such as nicotine and alcohol that are commonly used with cannabis. Related to this is a need to understand how the dopaminergic effects of THC are moderated by the other phytocannabinoids. Human PET studies have demonstrated blunted dopamine synthesis and dopamine release in cannabis users relative to non-users, yet we still need to understand the precise mechanisms through which this occurs.

2018-07-28 03:10:26 UTC  

I think you may have a bit of a bias in favor of your habits

2018-07-28 03:11:29 UTC  

Given changing patterns in cannabis use across the world, particularly in young people, and the consumption of cannabis with higher THC content, there is clearly a pressing need to understand how THC alters dopaminergic function. This is especially important given the emerging evidence that dopaminergic alterations are linked to a number of the adverse cognitive and behavioural consequences of THC, and the lack of current effective biological interventions for many of the psychiatric sequelae of cannabis use. Dopaminergic dysfunction may thus represent an area for future treatment targets.

2018-07-28 03:11:52 UTC  

yes im reading ther article you don't need to paste in random segments that fit your argument

2018-07-28 03:12:19 UTC  

My only claim was that it has an effect

2018-07-28 03:12:57 UTC  

Indirect lr Direct it has an effect otherwise there would be zero effect on mood

2018-07-28 03:13:02 UTC  

Never try to convince a pothead that weed is anything less then gods right nut.

2018-07-28 03:13:10 UTC  

You'll never win

2018-07-28 03:13:11 UTC  


2018-07-28 03:13:12 UTC  

THC activates an endocannibanoid which stimulates your bodies natural release of dopamine, this is in contrast to other drugs which override the bodies natural dopamine entirely

2018-07-28 03:13:29 UTC  

i never said dopamine and THC were unrelated