Message from @Werlf

Discord ID: 492133699966599179

2018-09-20 00:36:47 UTC  

I'm absolutely praising her compared to now

2018-09-20 00:36:50 UTC  

not worshipping

2018-09-20 00:36:56 UTC  

Not at that level

2018-09-20 00:37:22 UTC  

also imagine a British politician today talking about shrinking government

2018-09-20 00:38:57 UTC  

Nobody is infallible, and when people start changing their views to reflect those of a celebritity they admire without reasoning themselves you end up with almost religious idealogues, just look at reaganites and corbynites

2018-09-20 00:39:10 UTC  

well yeah I know

2018-09-20 00:40:28 UTC  

also, ever think about how people say that Brexiteers are racist for not wanting people from Eastern Europe migrating to Britain

2018-09-20 00:40:35 UTC  

but I thought you can't be racist to whites

2018-09-20 00:41:32 UTC  

This was fun

2018-09-20 00:41:33 UTC  

look what I did

2018-09-20 00:42:02 UTC  

you sound like a little kid showing their mom their first crayon drawing

2018-09-20 00:42:06 UTC  


2018-09-20 00:42:10 UTC  

but yeah thats pretty good

2018-09-20 00:42:17 UTC  

I like the fucked up swirl face

2018-09-20 00:42:48 UTC  


2018-09-20 00:42:55 UTC  

I make stuff in FL studio sometimes for fun

2018-09-20 00:43:06 UTC  

I like screwing with Sony Vegas

2018-09-20 00:43:15 UTC  

and once while I was seriously frozen-body baked I realized listening to phil that there's a distinct rhythm to how he says his intro

2018-09-20 00:43:20 UTC  

and I finally got around to making this

2018-09-20 00:43:37 UTC  


2018-09-20 00:43:48 UTC  

also whats wrong with you

2018-09-20 00:43:54 UTC  

@Werlf sup kike

2018-09-20 00:43:56 UTC  


2018-09-20 00:44:02 UTC  

@King Canuck you fucking degenerate

2018-09-20 00:44:07 UTC  

you aren't following me on twitter

2018-09-20 00:44:49 UTC  

Are you following me? cause I wouldn't kjnow what your twitter is if you're not

2018-09-20 00:44:53 UTC  

I am now

2018-09-20 00:44:58 UTC  


2018-09-20 00:45:13 UTC  


2018-09-20 00:45:23 UTC  

also whacha mean what's wrong with me

2018-09-20 00:45:32 UTC  

you werent following me

2018-09-20 00:50:59 UTC  


2018-09-20 00:51:11 UTC  


2018-09-20 00:51:43 UTC  

now listen to this on repeat until you have taste

2018-09-20 00:52:36 UTC  

what is this degeneracy

2018-09-20 00:52:53 UTC

2018-09-20 00:53:01 UTC  

@Durtle02 you're just butthurt I didn't like your shit music

2018-09-20 00:53:05 UTC  
