Message from @Veritas Prognostician

Discord ID: 558473117291380737

2019-03-22 01:57:55 UTC  

It fucks the person up upside down

2019-03-22 01:58:35 UTC  

We would know how to treat it if these lefty nut-bags stop selling it as normal.

2019-03-22 01:58:57 UTC  

They don't let legitimate research be funded in these issues.

2019-03-22 01:59:31 UTC  

I worry more about the fact that the leftys make sure to try and supress a lot of hard realities about the issue.

2019-03-22 01:59:41 UTC  

Further, they mass report credible doctors as evil and transphobic so that no one takes their word seriously.

2019-03-22 02:00:39 UTC  

my honest opinion is that the biggest threat to transgender rights are transgender activists

2019-03-22 02:00:44 UTC  

self defeating morons

2019-03-22 02:00:59 UTC  

Yes, exactly how I see it

2019-03-22 02:01:36 UTC  

I honestly think the left trivialises the whole thing and in infuriates me

2019-03-22 02:02:06 UTC  

For now, if you don't wanna be hated on by friends, and lose them at the same time, just let them do their own thing, but keep them motivated at the same time.

2019-03-22 02:02:58 UTC  

it does a diservice to acctual trans people. what I really want to do is inform them about the lesser known facts in particular the whole sterilization thing and the effects those hormones will have.

2019-03-22 02:03:18 UTC  

Well, you can and that would be very rational of you.

2019-03-22 02:03:24 UTC  

But they would hate you for it.

2019-03-22 02:03:46 UTC  

I can't read the room is the problem. no idea where the politics fall

2019-03-22 02:04:07 UTC  

I mean, if I were you I wouldn't care about someone's feelings over facts, but I seriously can't recommend you that given that you have a different life than I do.

2019-03-22 02:05:37 UTC  

I've lost plenty friends because I told them what's the right thing to do.

2019-03-22 02:06:01 UTC  

one of this group of firends is pretty emphaticly in "our" corner and most of them strike me as sane just weird

2019-03-22 02:06:17 UTC  

unfortunatly he quit discord in a rage about the loli ban

2019-03-22 02:06:32 UTC  

How do you know not know their politics if they are you friends?

2019-03-22 02:12:28 UTC  

**thenamelesswonder#5299** was cleansed from the server.

2019-03-22 02:12:47 UTC  

So when did we get a feathury? <:thronk:441701565607444482>

2019-03-22 02:14:45 UTC  

I've been here for a while

2019-03-22 02:17:02 UTC  

Oh man, the Communist News Network's ratings are going down the toilet.

2019-03-22 02:17:19 UTC  

Only 900,000 this past week

2019-03-22 02:17:44 UTC

2019-03-22 02:18:06 UTC  

I come here for politics and memes my furfagotry is for other servers

2019-03-22 02:18:38 UTC  

@Harazu Keshtah, if they're leftists, dont tell them anything.

2019-03-22 02:18:43 UTC  

"We would know how to treat gender dysphoria if leftists didn't sell it as normal"
You just let them wallow in despair as you shame them for being disgusting

2019-03-22 02:18:45 UTC  

Just keep them motivated.

2019-03-22 02:18:55 UTC  

they're taking it better than I thought

2019-03-22 02:19:01 UTC  

I swear they would hate you if you spout anything factual.

2019-03-22 02:19:22 UTC  

Alright, that's good then, I see you've already spolled the beans

2019-03-22 02:19:24 UTC  

"my furfagottry is for other servers" fucking same.

2019-03-22 02:19:27 UTC  

See how it goes.

2019-03-22 02:19:49 UTC  

if something bad happens at least I won't have to feel guilty

2019-03-22 02:20:08 UTC  


2019-03-22 02:20:14 UTC  

what's this?

2019-03-22 02:20:15 UTC  

That's the spirit

2019-03-22 02:20:49 UTC  

Lol, what

2019-03-22 02:21:04 UTC  

Not you

2019-03-22 02:21:18 UTC  

I'm one of the few furs who's technicaly not gay