Message from @Firemonkuu
Discord ID: 303074755895099395
white guilt
Tom Kratman- Caliphate
Does anyone else here live in the South?
well of course, (((they))) fuck shit up for everyone
I've already got a plan to flee to Britain, since they've already uncucked themselves enough to get an outsider perspective to the EU within the EU.
The big cities are still pretty "tolerant" though.
no joke, the state where received the most german refugees after WWII here in Brazil, is the leftist hotspot of the country
it runs in the blood or something
Just because they're withdrawing from the EU doesn't they've uncucked themselves.
The "Conservative" Party won't take action against immigration
I didn't claim they completely did so.
but then again, many of the refugees were (((germans)))
all I know is that if you take the Europeans/White Americans out the picture, things are gonna go to shit real wuick
I'm going to bed.
Good night, gents.
goodnight fam
it's gonna be a repeat of that schtick in Africa, whites leave and everything falls apart from lack of maintenance and structure
How do you guys intend to recruit people into this moovement? We need to be better organized than the left. That's been always their primary advatage over us - mobilization.
except it's gonna be extra sad since this time entire cities and white cultural spots are involved
God damnit, I was about to go and then there's this guy.
@Firemonkuu (you)
Not to mmtion the various advocacy groups that funnel money to them
I always thought that it should be a regional thing, at least for the US
I see we still have this conversation almost twelve times a day
We dont need money
I'm new here so I'm sorry if I'm dumb
We need to stand together
> concern about not being as powerful as the left
the problems the guys in Vermont have aren't really the same as the fellas in New Mexico
@Verm did all these non-vetted members fail the vetting process or something?
but its stilll the same overall message
I'm not concern-trolling
They haven't been vetted yet. Those who fail get banned.
I don't have a mike
Dave you've been here for a while