Message from @HungBunny

Discord ID: 567543235338043402

2019-04-16 02:49:53 UTC  

Or vote for them to be a lesser state or something

2019-04-16 02:50:06 UTC  

muh cotton

2019-04-16 02:50:10 UTC  

@nolsen It had no basis in the first place, why do you think it needs one now?

2019-04-16 02:51:08 UTC  

if Peterson ran for Conservatives or PPC he would probably win if they had proper televised debates

2019-04-16 02:51:17 UTC  

ok I don't know how to answer that question

2019-04-16 02:51:19 UTC  


2019-04-16 02:51:22 UTC  

Kermit the frog here

2019-04-16 02:51:41 UTC  

It will eventually clear up

2019-04-16 02:51:42 UTC  

I wonder what hit peices they would bring out

2019-04-16 02:51:48 UTC  

would be nice to abolish PET's bill of faggorty and institute a constitution

2019-04-16 02:51:54 UTC  

They been worshipping Mueller for the report like he's some sort of savior

2019-04-16 02:51:55 UTC  

Knew when ever Sargon ran the hit peices would come out

2019-04-16 02:52:16 UTC  

it didn't take long for buzzfeed to run `muhnazi` peice

2019-04-16 02:52:20 UTC  

I actually was watching CNN during the final report, to see what they would say

2019-04-16 02:52:24 UTC  

I was expecting them to cry

2019-04-16 02:52:33 UTC  

I was disappointed to find out they still keep running their mouth

2019-04-16 02:52:36 UTC  


2019-04-16 02:52:37 UTC  

but not surprised

2019-04-16 02:53:24 UTC  

everyone not marxist is "nazi"

2019-04-16 02:53:41 UTC  

@HungBunny The reason I joined the server is because redditors are having issues with two emotes <:sargoy:382978736053551104> and the furry one

2019-04-16 02:54:11 UTC  

Are they? Who?

2019-04-16 02:54:27 UTC  

Tho I guess the furry one is in Athens

2019-04-16 02:55:32 UTC  

wow so intolerant

2019-04-16 02:55:45 UTC  


2019-04-16 02:55:51 UTC  

Or I am tumblr shaming you!111

2019-04-16 02:55:57 UTC  

and you refuse to address me by my proper pronouns

2019-04-16 02:55:57 UTC  

Is tumblr still relevant

2019-04-16 02:56:00 UTC  

how dare you sir

2019-04-16 02:56:11 UTC  

I will now go to tumblr and preach about this injustice

2019-04-16 02:56:24 UTC  

I apologize, I don't have access to history for this channel

2019-04-16 02:56:31 UTC  

And start a patreon to recover from this oppression!

2019-04-16 02:56:34 UTC  

I hope I find a SJW at my school while I'm wearing my maga hat

2019-04-16 02:56:45 UTC  

Because I wanna become smirk man 2.0

2019-04-16 02:57:03 UTC  

funny how the msm has no problem the antifa/communist flag

2019-04-16 02:57:23 UTC  

Fact: Communism killed more than Hitler did with the holocaust

2019-04-16 02:57:24 UTC  

fucking tankies/trots garbage

2019-04-16 02:57:33 UTC  

Stalin alone killed 3 times more

2019-04-16 02:57:40 UTC  

Mao was 80 million

2019-04-16 02:57:43 UTC  

But hitler's more evil

2019-04-16 02:57:48 UTC  

I guess?

2019-04-16 02:57:53 UTC  

**H3llbender#1902** was cleansed from the server.