Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 568513258626089000
She's a complete narcissist.
i love when people make fun of this dumbass
Maybe borderline.
Even though I can't vote
I will still continue to support UKIP as much as I can
And support Dank and Sargon.
yes support dumbasses
Just because you can't vote doesn't mean you can't do anything for your candidate or party.
I would say that political activism might actually outweigh a single vote.
I don't know anyone of my age that supports UKIP
They're mainly all Labour supporters
Even better.
maybe because they have brain cells
View it as having a bigger target.
>They're mainly all Labour supporters
sad tbh fam
Remember: When you're surrounded, that just means that there are targets 360 degrees.
did not bode well for the germans at stalingrad 😦
thats certainly one way to think about I suppose
That's because Russians are unbeatable.
i think it probably has something more to do with the strategic drawbacks of having your supply lines cut off
>Russians are unbeatable
Honestly they don’t need someone to beat them when Stalin did it for them and killed a fuck ton of people 😂
>What is WW1
>What is 1904-05
>What is Afghanistan
The let them have those.
We want to be good sports.
>what is a week without vodka
5D chess.
Oh yes, the Czar chose to get couped the fuck out and let some commies take over and surrender swaths of land to Fritz for peace
He was drunk.
But he had good time.
Half of Russia’s drunk with their alcoholism problem